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  • 7篇中文期刊文章


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  • 3篇理学
  • 1篇航空宇航科学...


  • 4篇NEUTRI...
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  • 2篇2011
  • 3篇2010
  • 2篇2009
7 条 记 录,以下是 1-7
Gaussian modification of neutrino energy loss on strongly screening nuclides ^(55)Co and ^(56)Ni by electron capture in stellar interior
Gaussian modifications of the neutrino energy loss (NEL) by electron capture on the strongly screening nuclides 55Co and 56Ni are investigated. The results show that in strong electron screening (SES), the NEL rates decrease without modifying the Gamow-Teller (G-T) resonance transition. For instance, the NEL rates of 55Co and 56Ni decrease more than two and three orders of magnitude for ρ7 = 5.86, T9 5, Ye = 0.47, △ = 6.3, respectively. In contrast, due to Gaussian modification, the NEL rates increase about two orders of magnitude in SES. Due to SES, the maximum values of the C-factor (in %) on NEL of 55Co, 56Ni are of the order of 99.80%, 99.56% at ρ7 = 5.86 Ye = 0.47 and 99.60%, 99.65% at ρ7 = 106 Ye = 0.43, respectively.
Plasma neutrino energy loss due to the axial-vector current at the late stages of stellar evolution
Based on the Weinberg-Salam theory, the plasma neutrino energy loss rates of vector and axialvector contributions are studied. A ratable factor of the rates from the axial-vector current relative to those of the total neutrino energy loss rates is accurately calculated. The results show that the ratable factor will reach a maximum of 0.95 or even more at relatively higher temperature and lower density (such as p/μe 〈 10^7 g/cm^3). Thus the rates of the axial-vector contribution cannot be neglected. On the other hand, the rates of the axialvector contribution are on the order of ~0.01% of the total vector contribution, which is in good agreement with Itoh's at relatively high density (such as p/μe 〉 10^7 g/cm^3) and a temperature of T ≤ 10^11 K.
The competition of neutrino energy loss due to the pair, photo-, plasma process at the late stages of stellar evolution
Based on the Weinberg-Salam theory, the competition of the Neutrino Energy Loss (NEL) rates due to the pair, photo-and plasma process are canvassed. The ratio factor C1, C2 and C3 which correspond the different contributions of the pair, photo-and plasma neutrino process to those of the total NEL rates are accurately taken into account. The ratio factors are very sensitive to the temperature and density. The ratio factor C2 always is lower than the ratio factor C1 and C3. The pair NEL process is the dominant contribution before the crossed point 0(C1 = C3 = 0.45) and the plasma NEL process will be the main dominant contribution after the crossed point O. With increasing temperature, the crossed point O will move to the direction of higher density.
Effect of superstrong magnetic field on electron screening at the crusts of neutron stars
The influences of electron screening (ES) and electron energy correction (EEC) are investigated by superstrong magnetic field (SMF). We also discuss in detail the discrepant factor between our results and those of Fushiki, Gudmundsson and Pethick (FGP) in SMF. The results show that SMF has only a slight effect on ES when B 〈 10^9 T on the surfaces of most neutron stars. Whereas for some magnetars, SMF influence ES greatly when B 〉 10^9 T . For instance, due to SMF the ES potential may be increased about 23.6% and the EEC may be increased about 4 orders of magnitude at ρ/μe = 1.0 × 10^6 mol/cm^3 and T9 = 1. On the other hand, the discrepant factor shows that our results are in good agreement with FGP's when B 〈 10^9 T . But the difference will be increased with increasing SMF.
Beta decay of nuclide ^(56)Fe,^(56)Co,^(56)Ni,^(56)Mn,^(56)Cr and ^(56)V due to strong electron screening in stellar interiors
According to a new electron screening theory,we discuss the beta decay rates of nuclide 56Fe,56Co,56Ni,56Mn,56Cr and 56V with and without strong electron screening (SES).The results show that SES has only a slight effect on the beta decay rates for ρ/μe 108 g/cm3.However the beta decay rates would be influenced greatly for ρ/μe 108 g/cm3.Due to SES,the maximum values of the C-factor (in %) on beta decay rates of 56Fe,56Co,56Ni,56Mn,56Cr and 56V is of the order of 95.03%,35.02%,98.05%,80.33%,98.30% and 98.71% at T9 = 4.0 and 98.83%,98.89%,99.65%,10.32%,4.10% and 40.21% at T9 = 7.0,respectively.
Bremsstrahlung neutrino energy loss for ^(24)Mg,^(28)Si,^(32)S,^(40)Ca,^(56)Fe in strong electron screening
Based on Weinberg-Salam theory the bremsstrahlung neutrino energy loss for nuclei ^24Mg, ^28Si,^32S, ^40Ca and ^56Fe are investigated in strong electron screening. Our results are compared with those of Dicus' and show that the latter are higher by 2 orders of magnitude in the density-temperature region of 10^8 g/cm^3 ≤p/μe ≤ 10^11 g/cm^3 and 2.5≤ T9≤ 4.5. On the other hand, the factor C shows that the maximum differences are 99.16%, 99.13%, 99.12%, 99.055%, 99.040% corresponding to the nuclei ^24Mg, ^28Si, ^32S, ^40Ca and ^56Fe.
Quantum tunnelling of higher-dimensional Kerr-anti-de Sitter black holes beyond semi-classical approximation
Based on the theory of Klein-Gordon scalar field particles, the Hawking radiation of a higher- dimensional Kerr-anti-de Sitter black hole with one rotational parameter is investigated using the beyond semi-classical approximation method. The corrections of quantum tunnelling probability, Hawking temperature and Bekenstein-Hawking entropy are also included.