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37 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Sources and Transport of Terrigenous Organic Matters Along the East China Sea Inner Shelf: Insights from Lignin and Alkane Biomarkers
The area of East China Sea(ECS)inner shelf is an important sink of suspended particulates from Yangtze River(YR)and materials originated from YR basin.In this study,the parameters of lignin and alkane biomarkers in surface sediment samples from ECS inner shelf were determined to distinguish the sources and to trace the transport of terrigenous organic matters in the region.Our dataset showed that total alkanes with carbon numbers from 10 to 38(T-alkanes)were significantly correlated to both TAR(terrigenous/aquatic ratio)and HMW/LMW(the ratio of high molecular weight to low molecular weight alkanes)(r=0.88,P<0.05 for both),indicating that the majority of T-alkanes was predominantly originated from terrestrial sources,and T-alkanes are important constituents of terrestrial organic matters in the study area.The area was probably affected by petroleum pollution to a certain degree,as indicated by the values of carbon preference index(CPI),odd-over-even carbon number predominance(OEP)and the ratio of pristane to phytane(Pr/Ph).The values of Pr/n-C_(17) and Ph/n-C_(18) suggested a strong reductive sedimentary condition in the region with no obvious biodegradation.The content of eight lignin phenols(Σ8)decreased from the coast to the open sea,indicative of riverine input and hydrodynamic transport of terrigenous organic matters.Lignin degradation parameters presented an increasing trend from the coastline toward the open sea.The lignin vegetation parameters and alkane index(AI)suggested the predominance of non-woody angiosperms in the YR basin.The obvious correlation betweenΛ8(Σ8 normalized to 100 mg organic carbon),TAR and HMW/LMW reveals the significantly concurrent input of lignin and alkanes from terrestrial sources.
LIU XiaojieHAO TingFENG LijuanJI YinliWANG QianqianZHANG DahaiPAN GangGAO XianchiMENG ChunxiaLI Xianguo
Determination of Lignin in Marine Sediment Using Alkaline Cupric Oxide Oxidation-Solid Phase Extraction-on-Column Derivatization-Gas Chromatography被引量:10
Lignin serves as one of the most important molecular fossils for tracing Terrestrial Organic Matters (TOMs) in marine environment. Extraction and derivatization of lignin oxidation products (LOPs) are crucial for accurate quantification of lignin in marine sediment. Here we report a modification of the conventional alkaline cupric oxide (CuO) oxidation method, the modification consisting in a solid phase extraction (SPE) and a novel on-column derivatization being employed for better efficiency and reproducibility. In spiking blanks, recoveries with SPE for the LOPs are between 77.84% and 99.57% with relative standard deviations (RSDs) ranging from 0.57% to 8.04% (n=3), while those with traditional liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) are from 44.52% to 86.16% With RSDs being from 0.53% to 13.14% (n=3). Moreover, the reproducibility is greatly improved with SPE, with less solvent consumption and shorter processing time. The average efficiency of on-column derivatization for LOPs is 100.8%±0.68%, which is significantly higher than those of in-vial or in-syringe derivatization, thus resulting in still less consumption of derivatizing reagents.Lignin in the surface sediments sampled from the south of Yangtze River estuary, China, was determined with the established method. Recoveries of 72.66% to 85.99% with standard deviation less than 0.01mg/10g dry weight are obtained except for p-hydroxybenzaldehyde. The lignin content ∑8 (produced from 10g dry sediment) in the research area is between 0.231 and 0.587mg. S/V and C/V ratios (1.028 ± 0.433 and 0.192±0.066, respectively) indicate that the TOMs in this region are originated from a mixture of woody and nonwoody angiosperm plants; the high values or (Ad/Al)v suggest that the TOMs has been highly degraded.
ZHANG TingLI XianguoSUN ShuwenLAN HaiqingDU PeiruiWANG Min
类脂生物标志物是古环境、古气候研究中一类常用的生物标志物,其稳定碳同位素性质能反映母源先质的来源以及温度、湿度等信息。在中国,类脂生物标志物分子稳定碳同位素对母源体的指示意义的研究大多局限于现代表层土壤中且存在区域限制性,河流中的研究工作较少。本研究以黄河为例,自2011年6月~2013年7月期间采集了黄河下游东营站12个表层悬浮颗粒物样品,利用13 C同位素确证了不同类脂生物标志物来源的指示意义。其中长链正构烷烃的δ13 C值在两年调查研究中均呈现冬、春季相对偏正,夏、秋季偏负的季节性变化趋势,且与长链正构烷烃CPI25~33值呈显著的线性负相关,显示了正构烷烃受到偏正的烃源沉积岩贡献。长链脂肪酸(n-C28、n-C30)的δ13 C值无明显的季节性变化,且CPIΣ24~32较低,范围分别为-31.4‰^-32.1‰和-31.1‰^-32.2‰,表明黄河悬浮颗粒物中脂肪酸主要来源于中国北部以C3植被覆盖为主的黄土土壤有机质的贡献,受季节更替新鲜植被源贡献较少。短链n-C17烷烃的δ13 C值季节变化明显,在夏、秋季显示出了明显的偏负的水生藻类源信号,而短链n-C16、n-C18脂肪酸在很大程度上受到δ13 C偏正的水体异养微生物的贡献。
陶舒琴赵美训Timothy I.EglintonDaniel B.Montlucon
Biomarker evidence for changes in terrestrial organic matter input into the Yellow Sea mud area during the Holocene被引量:8
We present lipid biomarker records of two cores (ZYI and ZY3) from the central South Yellow Sea mud area to investigate the changes in sources and transport processes of the sedimentary organic matter (OM) throughout the Holocene. Based on the analysis of marine biomarker content (EPB (Phytoplankton Biomarker, total content of brassicasterol, dinosterol and C37-alkenones) and crenarchaeol), and terrestrial biomarkers (En-alkanols and brGDGTs) as well as TMBR' and BIT index values, the marine organic matter (MOM) and terrestrial organic matter (TOM) deposition history was reconstructed. Changes in TOM and MOM were related to variations in land vegetation density and marine productivity, as well as transport processes dominated by the oceanic circulation system. The marine biomarker contents from the South Yellow Sea have generally in- creased throughout the Holocene, indicating that the increased MOM contents were mainly controlled by the strengthening of the circulation system. The terrestrial biomarkers, on the other hand, were more variable, indicating more complex influence of TOM burial in the Yellow Sea. During the Early Holocene (7200-6000 cal yr BP), the moderate TOM input revealed by the terrestrial proxy records may result from abundant land source supply by strong river transport despite the lack of transport via circulation system. The Mid-Holocene (6000-3000 cal yr BP) was characterized by decreased terrestrial biomarker contents. The balance between the decrease in land source supply and increase of transportation by the current system of the TOM resulted in the lower but stable contents of TOM. During the Late Holocene (3000 cal yr BP to present), the TOM deposition in the South Yellow Sea increased as the current system was further enhanced and thus transported more TOM to the central South Yellow Sea, although the land supply of TOM was further reduced.
WU PengXIAO XiaoTongTAO ShuQinYANG ZuoShengZHANG HaiLongLI LiZHAO MeiXuna
Grain size records reveal variability of the East Asian Winter Monsoon since the Middle Holocene in the Central Yellow Sea mud area,China被引量:41
Three cores (ZY-1, ZY-2 and ZY-3) retrieved from the Central Yellow Sea mud (CYSM) were analyzed in sensitive grain size and AMS J4C dating to reconstruct the history of the East Asian Winter Monsoon (EAWM) since the Middle Holocene in the study area. The results show that these data provide a continuous history of the EAWM over the past 7.2 ka and that the EAWM can be divided into three periods: strong and highly fluctuating during 7.2-4.2 ka BP; moderate and relatively stable during 4.2-1.8 ka BP; and weakened during 1.8-0 ka BP. Compared with the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) recorded in the previous studies, the evolutionary history of the EAWM broadly follows the orbital-derived winter insolation with a similar long-term step-decreased trend as the EASM. At the centennial scale, however, the EAWM intensified events correlate well with the EASM weakened events and the North Atlantic climatic variations (Bond events 0 to 5) within the dating error, most likely forced by the reduction of solar irradiance through changes in the oceanic-atmospheric circulation patterns.
HU BangQiYANG ZuoShengZHAO MeiXunYoshiki SAITOFAN DeJiangWANG LiBo
甘油双烷基甘油四醚(Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers,GDGTs)是近几年来新发现的一类生物标志化合物,基于GDGTs的各种指标以其在指示物质来源以及海洋和陆地古温度重建等方面显示出的巨大应用潜力,逐渐成为古海洋学、古湖沼学和古气候学研究的重要工具。对采自东海陆架区的DH5-1站位(29°28.118′N、123°06.639′E,水深63.5m)的柱状沉积物样品进行了总有机质和GDGTs分析,研究了GDGTs化合物在东海陆架区柱状沉积物样品中的含量和沉积通量变化,并利用δ13 C、C/N以及基于GDGTs化合物的BIT指标讨论了该海区近150年来沉积有机质的来源变化。结果显示,近百年来东亚冬季风的增强,加强了冬季闽浙沿岸流对长江口沉积物的搬运,使得该海区陆源输入量呈增加趋势,但20世纪80年代以来,人类活动的加剧导致营养盐输入的增加,使得海洋生产力提高,沉积有机质中陆源有机质比例下降。
关于醋酸纤维滤膜和聚碳酸酯滤膜测定营养盐和Chl a的对比被引量:3
本论文采用聚碳酸酯滤膜(0.4μm)和国内测定营养盐常用的醋酸纤维滤膜(0.45μm)过滤不同站位海水样品测定营养盐和Chl a,探究两种滤膜之间的区别。营养盐的对比结果表明,采用未干燥的醋酸纤维滤膜和聚碳酸酯滤膜过滤的亚硝酸盐、铵氮、磷酸盐和硅酸盐均不存在显著性差异,硝酸盐存在显著性差异但差别小于2%,因而两种滤膜均适用于海水溶解态营养盐的过滤。干燥后的醋酸纤维滤膜过滤速度慢,且过滤过程中会引入较高的铵氮。Chl a的对比结果表明,聚碳酸酯滤膜更加适合Chl a的测定,醋酸纤维滤膜的截留效率明显低于聚碳酸酯滤膜,这可能是由于该滤膜无法完全截留小粒径的浮游植物。