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作品数:3 被引量:7H指数:2


  • 3篇中文期刊文章


  • 3篇天文地球


  • 2篇射电
  • 2篇射电望远镜
  • 2篇望远镜
  • 1篇数据解析
  • 1篇天体
  • 1篇天体测量
  • 1篇天线
  • 1篇天线跟踪
  • 1篇空间大地测量
  • 1篇基准点
  • 1篇ORIENT...
  • 1篇VLBI
  • 1篇VLBI观测
  • 1篇COORDI...
  • 1篇INFLUE...
  • 1篇LAYERE...
  • 1篇LUNAR
  • 1篇MOON
  • 1篇ROTATI...
  • 1篇SHANGH...


  • 1篇中国科学院上...


  • 1篇王锦清
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  • 1篇武汉大学学报...
  • 1篇Scienc...
  • 1篇Resear...


  • 2篇2020
  • 1篇2014
3 条 记 录,以下是 1-3
Influence of the layered Moon and Earth’s orientation on lunar rotation
One of the most efficient ways to probe the lunar inner structure at present is through the study of its rotation.Range and range rate(Doppler) data between the Chang’E-3 lander and station on the Earth were collected from the beginning of the Chang’E-3 lunar mission in 2013.These observation data,taken together with the existing lunar laser ranging data,provide a new approach to extend research on the Earth-Moon system.The high precision of current observation data imposes exacting demands,making it necessary to include previously neglected factors.In this paper,motivated by progress of the Chinese lunar exploration project and to use its data in the near future,two lunar models:a one-layer model and a two-layer model with a fluid core,were applied to the rotational equations based on our implemented algorithm of the Moon’s motion.There was a difference of about 0.5′′in φ and ψ,but 0.2′′in θ between the two models.This result confirms that stratification of the inner structure of the Moon can be inferred from rotation data.We also added precise Earth rotation parameters in our model;the results show that this factor is negligible at present,due to the limited precision of the existing data.These results will help us understand the rotational process clearly and build a more realistic Earth-Moon model when we combine Lunar Laser Ranging data with high precision radio data to fit lunar motion in the near future.
Yong-Zhang YangJin-Song PingJian-Guo YanJin-Ling Li
佘山13 m射电望远镜作为新一代天体测量与空间大地测量甚长基线干涉测量系统,配备有2~14GHz宽频接收机和X/Ka双频接收机。指向精度是射电望远镜性能的重要指标之一,一般要求好于最高配置频率波束宽度的1/10。对于佘山13 m口径射电望远镜,Ka波段32 GHz时的指向精度约为18 as。基于该望远镜的指向扫描实测数据,探讨了指向改正模型建立方法,包括测量功率曲线拟合、积分时间影响分析、指向改正模型参数设置等,实测评估了该望远镜的指向精度。所得指向改正模型可作为系统调试与改进的依据,也是望远镜系统指标测量和观测目标精确跟踪的保障,数据解析模型与分析流程可用于测量系统的日常指向精度检核,也可供类似工程测量参考。
Precise determination of the reference point coordinates of Shanghai Tianma 65-m radio telescope被引量:5
A local survey was implemented at the newly constructed Shanghai Tianma 65-m radio telescope.In this article,the survey implementation and data analysis are described.Particularly,by application of coordinate transformation,dimensionality reduction and step fitting of parameters,as well as adoption of reliability test measures of parameters,the mathematical model of data analysis is simplified,the detrimental effects of observation noises and unevenly spatial coverage of sample points are effectively compressed,the stability and precision of parameter solutions are improved,and so the geocentric three-dimensional coordinates of the reference point of this telescope in the precision of millimeters were determined,and the axisoffset was shown not significant on the precision level of3 mm.The outcome provides important reference to the subsequent activities of antenna maintenance and scientific application,including the establishment of precise antenna orientation model,orientation guidance,fringe searching in data cross-correlation,analysis and application studies of VLBI observations.It is also important archive data for monitoring possible subsidence and lateral displacement of antenna foundation as well as deformation of antenna tracking-rail and structure.
Jinling LiFuwen XiongChenglei YuJinwei ZhangLi GuoQingyuan Fan