The wave propagation is studied in two-dimensional disordered piezoelectric phononic crystals using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. For different cases of disorder, the transmission coefficients are calculated. The influences of disorders on band gaps are investigated. The results show that the disorder in the piezoelectric phononic crystals has more significant influences on the band gap in the low frequency regions than in the high frequency ones. The relation between the width of band gap and the direction of position disorder is also discussed. When the position disorder is along the direction perpendicular to the wave transmission, the piezoelectric phononic crystals have wider band gaps at low frequency regions than the case of position disorder being along the wave transmission direction. It can also be found that the effect of. size disorder on band gaps is analogous to that of location disorder. When the perturbation coefficient is big, it has more pronounced effects on the pass bands in the piezoelectric phononic crystals with both size and location disorders than in the piezoelectric phononic crystals with single disorder. In higher frequency regions the piezoelectric effect reduces the transmission coefficients. But for larger disorder degree, the effects of the piezoelectricity will be reduced.
The elastic wave localization in disordered periodic piezoelectric rods with initial stress is studied using the transfer matrix and Lyapunov exponent method. The electric field is approximated as quasi-static. The effects of the initial stress on the band gap characteristics are investigated. The numerical calculations of localization factors and localization lengths are performed. It can be observed from the results that the band structures can be tuned by exerting the suitable initial stress. For different values of the piezoelectric rod length and the elastic constant, the band structures and the localization phenomena are very different. Larger disorder degree can lead to more obvious localization phenomenon.
The piezoelectric materials are used to investigate the active vibration control of ordered/disordered periodic two-span beams. The equation of motion of each sub-beam with piezoelectric patches is established based on Hamilton's principle with an assumed mode method. The velocity feedback control algorithm is used to design the controller. The free and forced vibration behaviors of the two-span beams with the piezoelectric actuators and sensors are analyzed. The vibration properties of the disordered two-span beams caused by misplacing the middle support are also researched. In addition, the effects of the length disorder degree on the vibration performances of the disordered beams are investigated. From the numerical results, it can be concluded that the disorder in the length of the periodic two-span beams will cause vibration localizations of the free and forced vibrations of the structure, and the vibration localization phenomenon will be more and more obvious when the length difference between the two sub-beams increases. Moreover, when the velocity feedback control is used, both the forced and the free vibrations will be suppressed. Meanwhile, the vibration behaviors of the two-span beam are tuned.
In this paper, the disturbance propagation and active vibration control of a finite L-shaped beam axe studied. The dynamic response of the structure is obtained by the travelling wave approach. The active vibration suppression of the finite L-shaped beam is performed based on the structural vibration power flow. In the numerical calculation, the influences of the near field effect of the error sensor and the small error of the control forces on the control results are all considered. The simulation results indicate that the structural vibration response in the medium and high frequency regions can be effectively computed by the travelling wave method. The effect of the active control by controlling the power flow is much better than that by controlling the acceleration in some cases. And the control results by the power flow method are slightly affected by the locations of the error sensor and the small error of the control forces.
Chunchuan Liu Fengming Li1 Wenhu Huang(P.O.Box 137,School of Astronautics,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China)
The transient wave propagation in the finite rectangular Mindlin plate is investi- gated by the analytical and experimental methods. The generalized ray method (GRM) which has been successfully applied to study the transient responses of beams, planar trusses, space frames and infinite layered media is extended to investigate the transient wave propagation and early short time transient response in finite Mindlin plate. Combining the wave solution, the shock source and the boundary conditions, the ray groups transmitted in the finite rectangular plate can be determined. Numerical simulations and experiments are performed and compared with each other. The results show that the transient wave propagation and early short time transient responses in the finite plate can be studied using the GRM. The early short time transient acceler- ations are very large for the finite plate subjected to the unit impulse, while the early short time transient displacements are very small. The early short time transient accelerations under the unit impulse are much larger than those under the unit step impulse. The thickness and material characteristics have remarkable effects on the early short time transient responses.