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11 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
文章以蚯蚓为指示生物,分别采用滤纸接触法和自然土壤法研究了稀土元素钇对蚯蚓的急性毒性效应。结果表明,滤纸接触法测得钇对蚯蚓的半数致死浓度LC50为0.18 g/L;土壤法所测LC50值为1.08 g/kg。可见,稀土钇对蚯蚓具有毒性作用,但属低毒级,并且自然土壤法中蚯蚓的半数致死浓度要低于滤纸接触法中的结果。应用ICP-AES分别研究了2种实验方法中钇在蚯蚓体内的富集情况,发现硝酸钇浓度及染毒时间、蚯蚓的死亡率及速度和钇在蚯蚓体内的富集三者存在显著的相关性。
通过室内培养实验研究了稀土元素钇对土壤中细菌、真菌、放线菌三大微生物数量和土壤酶活性的影响。结果表明:在低浓度的情况下,钇对细菌、真菌、放线菌均表现为刺激作用,最大刺激率,细菌为16.8%,真菌为31.1%,放线菌为41.8%,在高浓度下表现为抑制作用,外源稀土对三大微生物起抑制作用的临界浓度分别为1 000 mg/kg、500 mg/kg、500 mg/kg。而在土壤酶活方面,钇对过氧化氢酶的作用只表现为抑制作用,并且在低浓度时下降的更为显著;钇对蛋白酶活性的影响表现为低浓度促进,最大刺激率达到了54.8%,而在高浓度抑制,最大抑制率为23.3%,且产生抑制作用的临界浓度为1 000 mg/kg;而钇对脲酶的影响不是很明显。因此微生物指标可以用作稀土环境风险的判断指标。
Occurrences of Yttrium in Soil and Its Potential Impacts on Paddy Rice Triticum aestivum被引量:1
[Objective] The effects of yttrium nitrate (YNO3) on biomass and antioxi- dant systems of paddy rice (Yttrium (Y); Oxidative stress; Dismutases (SOD); Per- oxidases (POD), Catalases (CAT), Paddy rice (Triticum aestivum)) together with the occurrences of Y in soils were investigated to assess its ecotoxicological effects on plant. [Method]Y solutions with various concentrations were sprinkled on soil sam- ples, which were well mixed and then put into culture dishes to culture paddy rice seeds for further evaluation. [Result] The results indicated that 25-100 mg/kg Y treatments significantly increased the biomass (total weight, root weight, shoot weight and leaf weight), chlorophyll (CHL) content and protein content of paddy rice, whereas 200-800 mg/kg Y treatments had a converse effect. Similarly, biomarker for the antioxidant systems including superoxide dismutases (SOD), peroxidases (POD) and catalases (CAT) all exhibited similar trends in both shoots and roots of paddy rice. At the same time, the malonaldehyde (MDA) content increased at from 25 to 100 mg/kg and decreased with concentrations of Y from 100 to 800 mg/kg in both shoots and roots of paddy rice. This indicated that Y could stimulate the growth of plant at low concentration, but inhibit the growth at relatively high concen- tration. [Conclusion] The levels of Y were 641+49, 328_+16 and 473_+40 mg/kg in soils collected from mining area, farmland and navel orange orchard respectively. The levels of Y in the investigated area were higher than the benefit level (100 mg/kg), which could cause low biomass as well as low activity of SOD, POD and CAT in paddy rice. Therefore, a more careful use of Y is necessary in crop management.
Toxicological effects of rare earth yttrium on wheat seedlings(Triticum aestivum)被引量:4
This study examined the biochemical responses of wheat(Triticum aestivum) to the stress of rare earth yttrium(Y) and showed that 25–100 mg/kg Y treatments evidently increased the biomass(root mass,shoot mass and leaf mass),accompanied by a significant(p0.05) increase in the chlorophyll(CHL) content in wheat leaves.Increased malondialdehyde(MDA) levels were detected in wheat shoots(stem and leaf) and roots too,indicating the presence of poisoning active oxygen species(AOS).The MDA content in wheat roots increased with the augmentation of Y concentration.These results indicated that there was a dose-dependent effect of Y on the changes of MDA content in wheat roots.Although the activities of superoxide dismutases(SOD),peroxidases(POD) and catalases(CAT) in wheat shoots and roots irregularly fluctuated with the increase in Y concentration,25–100 mg/kg Y significantly(p0.01) increased the activities of SOD and POD.In general,the dose-dependent effects of Y on the activity of antioxidant enzymes were insignificant.Our data also indicated that the increase in SOD and POD activities could be used as a good biomarker for the stress induced by low concentrations of Y.
Study on the Acute Toxicity of Rare Earth Yttrium to Earthworms under the Stress of Leaching Agent Ammonium Sulfate被引量:3
This study aimed to investigate the toxicity of rare earth ion yttrium under the stress of leaching agent ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4. [Method] By using earthworms as indicator organisms of environmental pol ution, acute toxic ef-fects of rare earth yttrium on earthworms under the stress of ammonium sulfate were investigated with filter paper contact method. [Result] Under single stress of rare earth yttrium, the semi-lethal concentration after 48 and 24 h was LC50=213.41 mg/L and LC50=322.63 mg/L, respectively. ② Under single stress of ammonium sul-fate, the semi-lethal concentration after 48 h and 24 h was LC50=13.89 g/L and LC50=15.05 g/L, respectively. ③ In combined treatment of low concentration (10 g/L) of ammonium sulfate and different doses of rare earth yttrium, the semi-lethal con-centration after 48 and 24 h was LC50=198.65 g/L and LC50=399.85 g/L, respective-ly; in combined treatment of middle concentration (14 g/L) of ammonium sulfate and different doses of rare earth yttrium, the semi-lethal concentration after 48 and 24 h was LC50=167.3 mg/L and LC50=256.73 mg/L, respectively; in combined treatment of high concentration (20 g/L) of ammonium sulfate and different doses of rare earth yttrium, the semi-lethal concentration after 48 h and 24 h was LC50=31.03 mg/L and LC50=127.65 mg/L, respectively. [Conclusion] Low concentration of ammonium sulfate could reduce the toxicity of rare earth yttrium to earthworms and produce certain antagonism against rare earth yttrium; middle concentration ammonium sulfate in-creased the toxicity of rare earth yttrium to earthworms and produced relatively sig-nificant synergistic effects; high concentration ammonium sulfate significantly in-creased the toxicity of rare earth yttrium to earthworms. Compared with ammonium sulfate, dead earthworms exposed to rare earth yttrium were more easily fractured, and living earthworms showed insensitive response to acupuncture.
Remediation of in-situ Leach Mining Contaminated Soil by Amendment-plant Synergism被引量:1
This study aimed to remediate in-situ leach mining contaminated soil by amendment-plant synergism. The results showed that plant species exhibited ex-tremely significant effects on the concentration of nitrate nitrogen; to be specific, the concentration of nitrate nitrogen in soil planted with wheat was reduced from 692.19 mg/kg to lower than 100 mg/kg; when the mass ratio of amendment to soil reached 3:50 and the amendment particle size was 1-2 mm, the concentration of nitrate ni-trogen in soil planted with wheat was reduced to 43 mg/kg. The amendment type exhibited extremely significant effects on the concentration of ammonium nitrogen; to be specific, when the mass ratio of amendment to soil reached 10:50, the concen-tration of ammonium nitrogen in soil added with 2-3 mm zeolite was reduced from 23 593.75 to 3 300 mg/kg on day 15. Amendments and plants mainly exhibited desorption performance for sulfate radical in soil, and the amendment type extreme-ly significantly affected the concentration of sulfate radical; to be specific, the con-centration of sulfate radical in soil added with limestone increased from 370 mg/kg to 900 mg/kg on day 7.