We investigate the equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter and its isospin dependence in various spin-isospin ST channels within the framework of the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach extended to include a microscopic three-body force(TBF) . It is shown that the potential energy per nucleon in the isospinsinglet T = 0 channel is mainly determined by the contribution from the tensor SD coupled channel. At high densities,the TBF effect on the isospin-triplet T = 1 channel contribution turns out to be much larger than that on the T =0 channel contribution. At low densities around and below the normal nuclear matter density,the isospin dependence is found to come essentially from the isospin-singlet SD channel and the isospin-triplet T = 1 component is almost independent of isospin asymmetry. As the density increases,the T = 1 channel contribution becomes sensitive to the isospin asymmetry and at high enough densities its isospin dependence may even become more pronounced than that of the T = 0 contribution. The present results may provide some microscopic constraints for improving effective nucleon-nucleon interactions in a nuclear medium and for constructing new functionals of effective nucleon-nucleon interaction based on microscopic many-body theories.
We investigate the neutron and proton single particle (s.p.) potentials of asymmetric nuclear matter and their isospin dependence in various spin-isospin ST channels within the framework of the BruecknerHartree-Fock approach. It is shown that in symmetric nuclear matter, the s.p. potentials in both the isospinsinglet T = 0 channel and isospin-triplet T = 1 channel are essentially attractive, and the magnitudes in the two different channels are roughly the same. In neutron-rich nuclear matter, the isospin-splitting of the proton and neutron s.p. potentials turns out to be mainly determined by the isospin-singlet T = 0 channel contribution which becomes more attractive for the proton and more repulsive for the neutron at higher asymmetries.
We have calculated the nucleon effective mass in symmetric nuclear matter within the framework of the Brueckner-Bethe-Goldstone (BBG) theory, which has been extended to include both the contributions from the ground-state correlation effect and the three-body force (TBF) rearrangement effect. The effective mass is predicted by including the ground-state correlation effect and the TBF rearrangement effect, and we discuss the momentum dependence and the density dependence of the effective mass. It is shown that the effect of ground state correlations plays an important role at low densities, while the TBF-induced rearrangement effect becomes predominant at high densities.