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作品数:4 被引量:3H指数:1


  • 4篇中文期刊文章


  • 2篇核科学技术
  • 2篇理学
  • 1篇机械工程


  • 1篇闪烁体
  • 1篇中子
  • 1篇中子探测
  • 1篇中子探测效率
  • 1篇无机闪烁体
  • 1篇NEUTRO...
  • 1篇PMT
  • 1篇PROPER...
  • 1篇TEST
  • 1篇CE
  • 1篇CE^3+
  • 1篇DETECT...
  • 1篇EFFICI...
  • 1篇GLASS
  • 1篇METHOD
  • 1篇MRPC
  • 1篇LITHIU...
  • 1篇MAPMT


  • 3篇Chines...
  • 1篇Nuclea...


  • 1篇2013
  • 1篇2012
  • 2篇2011
4 条 记 录,以下是 1-4
Scintillating properties of LiYSiO_4:Ce
LiYSiO4:Ce is a promising scintillator and some of its properties have been reported in previous papers. In this paper, samples doped with different concentrations of Ce are prepared and studied. First, the relative light yields of the samples are measured as 28.1%-37.1% compared with a standard anthracene crystal being irradiated by a particles and as -27.270 compared with NaI being irradiated by X-rays. Second, the effects of sample thicknesses on light yields are presented. Finally the timing behaviors of samples with different doped concentrations being irradiated with alpha particles and X-rays are discussed. The result shows that LiYSiOa:Ce is a kind of fast scintillator (- 30 ns) with a moderate light yield that can be used for neutron detection.
A position-sensitive detector with lithium glass and MaPMT
A position-sensitive detector is designed for neutron detection. It uses a single continuous screen of a self-made lithium glass scintillator, rather than discrete crystal implementations, coupling with a multi-anode PMT (MaPMT). The scintillator is fast and efficient; with a decay time of 34 ns and thermal neutron detection efficiency of around 95.8% for the 3 mm thick screen, and its light yield is around 5670 photons per neutron and 3768 photons per MeV γ rays deposition. The spatial resolution is around 1.6 mm (FWHM) with the energy resolution around 34.7% by using α (5.2 MeV) rays test.
Cosmic ray test for a T0 detector
The endcap of time-of-flight (ETOF) detector in BES (Beijing Spectrometer) III is planned to be upgraded by using multi-gap resistive plate chambers (MRPCs) and the designed time resolution of the MRPCs is around 50 ps. Thus a time-zero (TO) detector needs to be built to offer a high quality reference time for the MRPCs beam test. So a TO detector is built using plastic scintillator tiles (BC420) to couple with four fast phototubes (PMTs, Hamamatsu H6533). The timing properties of the detector is studied by using a cosmic ray test and factors related to the time resolution, such as plastic scintillator size, readout mode and angle effects, are discussed. TO detector timing resolutions of -41-62 ps are achieved, which means that the TO detector can be used in the MRPC beam test.
Efficiency-determined method for thermal neutron detection with inorganic scintillator被引量:3
Because of 3He shortage,sintillator is a promising alternative choice for neutron detection in the field of thermal neutron scattering and imaging.Also,the neutron detection efficiency is difficult to be determined.In this paper,the efficiency for thermal neutron detection is presented by inorganic scintillator using probability principles,supposed that the material of scintillator is uniform in element distribution,and that attenuation length of scintillation light is longer than that of its thickness in the scintillator.The efficiencies for two pieces of lithium glass are determined by this method,indicating the method is useful for determining efficiency of thermal neutron detections.
FU ZaiweiHENG YuekunGU ShenjieTIAN Lin