为了解生物炭施入不同类型土壤后对Olsen-P和CaCl2-P的影响,通过室内土壤培养试验,研究施用2%(20 t hm-2)、4%(40 t hm-2)、8%(80 t hm-2)比例的生物炭条件下土壤中Olsen-P、CaCl2-P含量变化,以探讨不同类型土壤中施入生物炭后Olsen-P和CaCl2-P含量变化的差异。结果表明:(1)红壤、水稻土、潮褐土、潮土中施用生物炭后,土壤中Olsen-P含量显著增加(P<0.05),并随着生物炭施用比例增加而增大。(2)培养42天后,施用生物炭对红壤中CaCl2-P含量无显著的影响,水稻土、潮褐土、潮土中CaCl2-P含量则随着生物炭施用比例增加而显著增大。(3)在同一生物炭施用量条件下,潮褐土和潮土中Olsen-P和CaCl2-P的增加量均显著(P<0.05)高于红壤和水稻土。
Sufficient soil phosphorus (P) content is essential for achieving optimal crop yields, but accumulation of P in the soil due to excessive P applications can cause a risk of P loss and contribute to eutrophication of surface waters. Determination of a critical soil P value is fundamental for making appropriate P fertilization recommendations to ensure safety of both environment and crop production. In this study, agronomic and environmental critical P levels were determined by using linear-linear and linear-plateau models, and two segment linear model, for a maize (Zea mays L.)-winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) rotation system based on a 22-yr field experiment on a Haplic Luvisol soil in northern China. This study included six treatments: control (unfertilized), no P (NoP), application of mineral P fertilizer (MinP), MinP plus return of maize straw (MinP+StrP), MinP plus low rate of farmyard swine manure (MinP+L.Man) and MinP plus high rate of manure (MinP+ H.Man). Based on the two models, the mean agronomic critical levels of soil Olsen-P for optimal maize and wheat yields were 12.3 and 12.8 mg kg-1, respectively. The environmental critical P value as an indicator for P leaching was 30.6 mg Olsen-P kg-1, which was 2.4 times higher than the agronomic critical P value (on average 12.5 mg P kg-1). It was calculated that soil OIsen-P content would reach the environmental critical P value in 41 years in the MinP treatment, but in only 5-6 years in the two manure treatments. Application of manure could significantly raise soil Olsen-P content and cause an obvious risk of P leaching. In conclusion, the threshold range of soil Olsen-P is from 12.5 to 30.6 mg P kg-1 to optimize crop yields and meanwhile maintain relatively low risk of P leaching in Haplic Luvisol soil, northern China.
XI BinZHAI Li-meiLIU JianLIU ShenWANG Hong-yuanLUO Chun-yanREN Tian-zhiLIU Hong-bin