设U*为一个未定向的n个顶点上的单圈混合图,它是由一个三角形在其某个顶点上附加n-3个悬挂边而获得.在文[Largest eigenvalue of a unicyclic mixed graph,Applied Mathematics A Journal of Chinese Universities(Ser.B),2004,19(2):140-148]中,作者证明了:在相差符号同构意下,在所有n个顶点上的单圈混合图中,U*是唯一的达到最大Laplace谱半径的混合图.本文应用非负矩阵的Perron向量,给出上述结论的一个简单的证明.
Let G be a mixed glaph which is obtained from an undirected graph by orienting some of its edges. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of G are, respectively, defined to be those of the Laplacian matrix L(G) of G. As L(G) is positive semidefinite, the singularity of L(G) is determined by its least eigenvalue λ1 (G). This paper introduces a new parameter edge singularity εs(G) that reflects the singularity of L(G), which is the minimum number of edges of G whose deletion yields that all the components of the resulting graph are singular. We give some inequalities between εs(G) and λ1 (G) (and other parameters) of G. In the case of εs(G) = 1, we obtain a property on the structure of the eigenvectors of G corresponding to λ1 (G), which is similar to the property of Fiedler vectors of a simple graph given by Fiedler.
In this paper, an equivalent condition of a graph G with t (2≤ t ≤n) distinct Laplacian eigenvalues is established. By applying this condition to t = 3, if G is regular (necessarily be strongly regular), an equivalent condition of G being Laplacian integral is given. Also for the case of t = 3, if G is non-regular, it is found that G has diameter 2 and girth at most 5 if G is not a tree. Graph G is characterized in the case of its being triangle-free, bipartite and pentagon-free. In both cases, G is Laplacian integral.