研究水下机器人可视化系统问题,由于海洋作业情况复杂,存在弱观测、大时滞环境中机器人的稳定性和实时性差,控制显得尤为困难。针对目前可视化系统开发难度大、周期长的缺点,提出了一种WPF技术的三维可视化系统的设计方案,包括3DSMAX几何建模,Expression Blend 2三维可视化实现和Visual Studio 2008控制代码设计。结果表明,采用改进的泛化图形环境的方法为水下机器人可视化系统的实现提供了一种高效、简易的途径。经水池实验证明,系统能够对水下机器人进行实时可视化显示并完成操控任务。
This paper describes an underwater 3500 m electric manipulator (named Huahai-4E, stands for four functions deep ocean electric manipulator in China), which has been developed at underwater manipulation technology lab in Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) for a test bed of studying of deep ocean manipulation technologies. The manipulator features modular integration joints, and layered architecture control system. The oil-filled, pressure-compensated joint is compactly designed and integrated of a permanent magnet (PM) brushless motor, a drive circuit, a harmonic gear and an angular feedback potentiometer. The underwater control system is based on a network and consisted of three embedded PC/104 computers which are used for servo control, task plan and target sensor respectively. They communicate through User Datagram Protocol (UDP) multicast communication in Vxworks OS. A supervisor PC with a virtual 3D GUI is fiber linked to underwater control system. Furthermore, the manipulator is equipped with a sensor system including a unique ultra-sonic probe array and an underwater camera. Autonomous grasp strategy based multi-sensor is studied. The results of watertight test in 40 MPa, joint's efficiency test and autonomous grasp experiments in tank are also presented.