In Baiyushan hilly area, the roots system of almond-apricot mainly distributes vertically in the subsoil from 30 cm to 80 cm and horizontally distributes from 50 cm to 180 cm around the trunk. There are three growing peaks of the roots in a year and July-peak is the tallest one. From March to July is water losing period in subsoil of almond-apricot orchard, water losing is mainly from the aubsoil above 200 cm. There are three growing peaks for extending shoots and only one peak for fruit shoots in a vear. Fruit set percentage of almond-apricot is 15.61, of which short fruit branches are 22.62, long fruit branches are 8.56. Although there are differences in the growth of almond-apricot trees gown in slope lands with different elevation, aspects, and slopes, all trees grow well. Except frostbite harming, Baiyushan hilly area could be a better commodity production base of almond-apricot.
Armeniaca vulgaris × A. sibirica is a new almond-apricot species of Armeniaca genus in Baiyushan mountainous area of northern Shaanxi that introduced from Zhuolu County, Hebei Province 12 years ago. After 11 years investigated and observed, the florescence of A. vulgaris × A. sibirica is the earliest and the shortest compared with A. vulgaris , A. vulgaris var . ansu and A.sibirica ; the number of non-harvest year caused by frost is the most; number of root is the least, and root distribution is lowest and narrowest; trunk diameter, height, and crown diameter are the least; almond is changed smaller and smaller with the tree age increased; production of stone is lower than A. vulgaris var . ansu and A.sibirica ; in small hilly region and medium mountain regionⅠ, production value is lower than A. vulgaris and higher than A. vulgaris var . ansu and A.sibirica ; in medium mountain regionⅡ, production value is lower than A. vulgaris var . ansu and A.sibirica ,very lower than A. vulgaris . A. vulgaris × A. sibirica shouldn’t be a dominating species in Baiyushan mountainous area.