The expression of residual is obtained according to its dynamic response to mean shift, then the distribu- tion of T2 statistic applied to the residual is derived, thus the probability of the 7a statistic lying outside the control limit is calculated. The above-mentioned results are substituted into the infinite definition expression of the average run length (ARL), and then the final finite ARL expression is obtained. An example is used to demonstrate the procedures of the proposed method. In the comparative study, eight autocorrelated processes and four different mean shifts are performed, and the ARL values of the proposed method are compared with those obtained by simulation method with 50 000 replications. The accuracy of the proposed method can be illustrated through the comparative results.
Web用户聚类是通过分析用户会话,将具有相同或相似访问特征的用户聚为一类。在会话相似性度量方面综合考虑了网页浏览时间和访问频次两个因素,并考虑到用户个人习惯、能力等因素对浏览时间的影响,将浏览时间处理为RDP(Reduce the Differences in Personality)浏览时间,以降低其个性特征。为此,提出一种基于用户特性的RDPk-means聚类算法。实验表明,该算法可以有效实现用户会话的聚类,聚类结果客观合理。
提出了一种基于二元过程质量特性标准样本方差(Standardized sample variance,VMAX)和Hotelling统计量的联合控制图,这一控制图用于同时监控二元过程均值向量和协方差的变异。通过平均运行链长(Average Run Length,ARL)的方法对比研究表明,该控制图在过程参数发生小变异的情况下比联合T2与S控制图具有更优的性能。