采用分子生物学手段,通过构建16 S rRNA基因文库,对新型剩余污泥减量化处理技术——生物砾间接触氧化反应器(GCOR)中悬浮颗粒的原核生物多样性进行了系统发育分析,并讨论了多种原核生物共存对剩余污泥减量化的贡献.结果表明,颗粒的原核生物可分为好氧呼吸菌群与厌氧水解发酵菌群两大类.其中,优势菌群分别是以呼吸代谢为主的假单胞菌属和以发酵为主要代谢方式的拟杆菌/噬纤维菌菌属,它们的16S rRNA序列各占文库的17%.此外,好氧菌群中还发育有α蛋白菌、β蛋白菌、γ蛋白菌、亚硝化螺菌属、土壤杆菌属、衣原体属、葡萄糖杆菌属及褐色高温单孢菌属细菌;厌氧菌群中则发育属于螺旋体属、δ蛋白菌、反硝化菌、乳杆菌属、真杆菌属的原核生物.反应系统中两大相反环境多种原核生物的共存,为在降解污水有机物的同时,达到剩余污泥减量化做出巨大贡献.
Placement of a groundwater divide indicates sink areas and spatial distribution, knowledge of which helps in the mapping of regional aquifer properties and the management of groundwater resources. By applying mathematical morphology to a conceptual model of a watershed and characteristic erosion and dilation operations, this paper proposes a structuring element with which to extract the shape and location of groundwater divide. With due consideration to watershed linearity, a structuring element with three origins is designed to connect watershed points. After erosion, closing, and dilation operations, the groundwater divide is determined; the results indicate this method's feasibility and accuracy.
PAN Yun, GONG Huili, DUAN Fuzhou & HU Zhuowei Key Laboratory of 3D Information Acquisition and Application, Ministry of Education, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100037, China