化感作用是植物通过淋溶、挥发、残茬降解和根系分泌向环境中释放化学物质,从而对自身或周围其他植物的生长产生影响的现象(孔垂华等,2002;彭少麟等,2001)。这种作用在自然界中比较广泛,对森林群落演替、植被恢复、农业及林业生产等均有重大影响,是一不可忽视的化学生态因子(林思祖等,2002;Halpern et al.,1997)。自毒作用是化感作用的一种特殊类型,它是指供体与受体属于同一种植物,
A novel polyketide pigment (1) with the 4',10-coupled linkage between 1-naphthalenol and 1,4-anthraquinone, named rufoolivacin B together with the known analog rufoolivacin (2), has been isolated from the fruiting bodies of the Chinese toadstool Cortinarius rufo-olivaceus (basidiomycetes). Their structures were characterized by means of analysis of spectroscopic methods, including 2D-NMR experiments and HR-ESI-MS.
An Ling ZhangJian Chun QinMing Sheng BaiJin Ming GaoYa Mei ZhangSheng Xiang YangHartmut Laatsch