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10 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Differential uplift and settlement between inner column and diaphragm wall in top-down excavation被引量:5
Top structure and basement will confront the risk of being damaged on account of large stress and strain fields incurred by differential uplift and settlement between inner column and diaphragm wall in top-down method. Top-down excavation of the Metro Line 10 in Shanghai was modeled with finite element analysis software ABAQUS and parameters of subsoil were obtained by inverse analysis. Based on the finite element model and parameters, changes in the following factors were made to find more effective methods to restrain differential uplift and settlement: length of diaphragm wall, thickness of jet-grouting reinforcement layer, ways of subsoil reinforcement, sequence of pit excavation, connection between slabs and diaphragm wall or column and width of pit. Several significant results are acquired. The longer the diaphragm wall is, the greater the differential uplift between column and diaphragm wall is. Rigidity of roof slab is in general not strong enough to keep diaphragm wall and column undergoing the same uplift during excavation; Uplift at head of column and differential uplift between column and diaphragm wall decrease when subsoil from-16.6 to-43 m in pit is reinforced through jet-grouting. But, as excavation proceeds to a lower level, benefit from soil reinforcement diminishes. During the process applying vertical load, the larger the depth of diaphragm wall is, the smaller the settlement is at head of column and diaphragm wall, and the greater the differential settlement is between column and diaphragm wall. When friction connection is implemented between column, diaphragm wall and floor slabs, uplifts at head of column and diaphragm wall are larger than those of the case when tie connection is implemented, and so does differential uplift between column and diaphragm wall. The maximum deflection of diaphragm wall decreases by 58% on account of soil reinforcement in pit. The maximum deflection of diaphragm wall decreases by 61.2% when friction connection is implemented instead of tie connection.
在反演分析得到的参数基础上研究地铁站基坑逆作法施工过程中基坑地下室结构与临近桩基础和浅基础的相互影响.当基坑周边有浅基础时,当其他条件相同时,随着浅基础与基坑的距离增加、基础埋深增加、基础宽度增加,基坑开挖引起的浅基础中心点的沉降量逐渐减小;随着浅基础埋深增加,浅基础与基坑距离增加,开挖引起的挡土墙和桩柱上部(0~28 m)侧移减小;浅基础宽度变化对挡土墙和桩柱侧移影响不大.当基坑周边有桩基础时,当桩基础与挡土墙之间的距离相同时,桩长越长,桩基础受到基坑开挖导致的土体回弹影响越大;桩基础的存在对挡土墙的墙身侧移影响很小;在浅基础及桩基础各工况中,开挖引起的坑内桩柱及挡土墙的回弹十分接近,开挖引起的挡土墙土压力沿深度分布也十分接近.
Protection of cement-soil reinforced regions for adjacent running tunnels during pit excavation被引量:1
In pit excavation,cement is introduced into ground by deep mixing method to form an improved soil raft below final formation level to diminish deflection of retaining wall and effect on surrounding structure.Owning to complicated site conditions and improper workmanship,there are always some regions left untreated in the embedded improved soil raft.In this work,Several schemes of cement-soil mixed piles arrangement are modeled in order to discuss the effect of different cement-soil reinforced regions on protection for adjacent running tunnels.Finite element results show that:when lateral regions above tunnels are not enhanced by cement-soil mixed piles,effect of enlarging vertical enhanced regions around tunnels on diminishing lateral displacement of tunnel is really small;enhancing the lateral regions next to retaining wall is more effective in reducing the deflection of tunnel and retaining wall;uplifting of tunnel under the middle pit mainly depends on lateral reinforced regions and lateral displacements of retaining wall;as cement-soil mixed piles near retaining wall in east pit are removed during east pit excavation,effect of cement-soil mixed piles in east pit on reducing the final wall deflection can be neglected;upward shaft resistances are exerted along left side of diaphragm wall during excavation,which helps to reduce the wall deflection;positive effect of single-head cement-soil mixed piles in east pit is to decreasing the uplifting of soil inside east pit.Double-head cement-soil mixed piles arranged in"T"shape decrease the effect of east pit excavation on tunnels under middle pit apparently.
通过建立有限元模型模拟天津市地铁一号线盾构施工,有限元模型得到的土体沉降曲线与现场实测吻合,在此模型基础上进一步研究隧道开挖过程中被动群桩的土拱效应.隧道开挖时,3×3被动群桩中远离隧道的边排桩的桩间土一般形成了"反向土拱";靠近隧道的边排桩的桩间土拱的形式主要取决于同一位置处桩与土体的相对位移.当桩的水平位移小于土体时,桩间土体形成了类似于边坡工程及堆载情况下的土拱;反之,桩间土体形成"反向土拱".桩长增加,当桩、土水平位移接近时桩间土拱效应消失;与地面堆载等典型的被动群桩不同,隧道开挖时当被动群桩的桩间距由4 m减小至2 m时土拱效应消失.
Finite element analysis of effect of soil displacement on bearing capacity of single friction pile被引量:2
Effect of soil displacement on friction single pile in the cases of tunneling,surcharge load and uniform soil movement was discussed in details with finite element method.Lateral displacement of the pile caused by soil displacement reached about 90% of the total displacement,which means that P-Δ effect of axial load can be neglected.The maximum moment of pile decreased from 159 kN·m to 133 kN·m in the case of surcharge load when the axial load increased from 0 to the ultimate load.When deformation of pile caused by soil displacement is large,axial load applied on pile-head plays the role of reducing the maximum bending moment in concrete pile to some extent.When pile is on one side of the tunnel,soil displacements around the pile are all alike,which means that the soil pressures around the pile do not decrease during tunneling.Therefore,Q-s curve of the pile affected by tunneling is very close to that of pile in static loading test.Bearing capacities of piles influenced by surcharge load and uniform soil movement are 2480 kN and 2630 kN,respectively,which are a little greater than that of the pile in static loading test(2400 kN).Soil pressures along pile increase due to surcharge load and uniform soil movement,and so do the shaft resistances along pile,as a result,when rebars in concrete piles are enough,bearing capacity of pile affected by soil displacement increases compared with that of pile in static loading test.
Finite element analysis of couple effect of soil displacement and axial load on single inclined pile
The couple effect of soil displacement and axial load on the single inclined pile in cases of surcharge load and uniform soil movement is discussed in detail with the methods of full-scale field tests and finite element method. Parametric analyses including the degree of inclination and the distance between soil and pile are carried out herein. When the displacement of soil on the left side and right side of a pile is identical, deformation of a vertical pile and an inclined pile is highly close in both cases of surcharge load and uniform soil movement. When the couple effect of soil displacement and axial load occurs, settlement of an inclined pile is greater than that of a vertical pile under the same axial load, and bearing capacity of an inclined pile is smaller than that of a vertical pile. This is quite different from the case when the inclined pile is not affected by soil displacement. For inclined piles, P-Δ effect of axial load would lead to a large increase in bending moment, however, for the vertical pile, P-Δ effect of axial load can be neglected. Although the direction of inclination of piles is reverse, deformation of piles caused by uniform soil movement is totally the same. For the inclined piles discussed herein, bending moment(-8 m to-17 m under the ground) relies heavily on uniform soil movement and does not change during the process of applying axial load. When the thickness of soil is less than the pile length, the greater the thickness of soil, the larger the bending moment at lower part of the inclined pile. When the thickness of soil is larger than the pile length, bending moment at lower part of the inclined pile is zero.