Compounds Sr4Eu2Ti4Nb6O30 and Sr5EuTi3Nb7O30 with filled tetragonal tungsten bronze structure were prepared,and the dielectric characteristics and ferroelectric transition were investigated.Both ceramics displayed weak frequency dependence in room temperature dielectric constant,which decreased from 125 to 118 for Sr4Eu2Ti4Nb6O30,from 206 to 195 for Sr5EuTi3Nb7O30 in the frequency range of 10 kHz to 1 MHz.The present ceramics showed a diffuse ferroelectric phase transition.The frequency independent transition temperature (Tm) indicated the above compounds had no relaxor property.The diffuseness (γ) was 1.45 and 1.64 for Sr4Eu2Ti4Nb6O30 and Sr5EuTi3Nb7O30 respectively.The weak ferroelectric of the present materials are indicated from the P-E hysteresis loops,and a small 2Pr of 0.596 μC/cm2 and 0.068 μC/cm2 were observed for Sr4Eu2Ti4Nb6O30 and Sr5EuTi3Nb7O30 respectively.