The reuse of wastewater for the irrigation of farmlands is gaining popularity, and the nutrient leaching associated with wastewater irrigation is becoming a matter of concern. The variability of nitrogen and phosphorus frac- tions in wastewater-irrigated soil was investigated in both horizontal and vertical directions in Kongjiaxiang, Tongliao, Inner Mongolia, China. The results showed that wastewater irrigation resulted in the concentrations of available N and P being 40.36% and 66.49% higher, respectively, than those with groundwater irrigation. Different forms of N and P exhibited significantly different distribution pattems. Higher concentrations of NO~ and total available N, as well as of those of Ca-P and total available P were observed near wastewater irrigation channels. Ca-P has a spatial distribu- tion pattern similar to that of available P. The concentrations of NO3 and NH4 were the highest in top soil and de- creased with depth. The complex interactions between nitrate leaching and nitrogen transformation processes (e.g., nitrification, denitrification, and mineralization) determined the vertical profile of NO3. The significant amount of NH~ loss inhibited its deep seepage. The Ca-bound compound contained more P than other inorganic fractions as a result of high Ca levels throughout the soil profile. The differences in the concentrations of Ca-bound P at different depths could be due to the upward flux or translocation of Ca from subsurface to surface soil and the sequestration of P.
【目的】定量化不同水氮管理模式下的农田水氮利用效率和环境效应,为制定优化的水肥管理措施提供理论指导。【方法】在华北平原北部的冬小麦-夏玉米轮作区,设置了农民习惯和基于土壤水分养分实时监测的优化管理两种水氮管理模式。首先,应用田间系统的观测数据(2004年10月至2006年9月)对水氮管理模型进行了校验,然后应用校验后的模型计算得到了两种水氮管理模式下的作物产量、农田水分渗漏、氮素淋失、气体损失和水氮利用效率等。【结果】2年内农民习惯和优化管理下的灌水量差别不大,而优化管理的施肥量(540 kg仅为农民习惯施肥量(1 100 kg的一半。农民习惯和优化管理模式下的作物年平均产量分别为11 579和11 748;两者的水分利用效率分别为1.65和1.72 kg.m-3;氮素利用效率分别为15和24 N。氮素淋失和氨挥发是氮素损失的主要途径,农民习惯和优化管理下的氮素淋失分别为407和68 kg;氨挥发分别达到了282和104 kg。【结论】优化管理下的作物产量和水氮利用效率都高于农民习惯管理的,并且氮素损失明显低于农民习惯管理。因此,为了保证该地区的农业可持续发展,必须改进当前农民习惯的水氮管理措施。