A comprehensive study on the microstructural evolution of a new type Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Er-Zr alloy duringhomogenization was conducted by optical microscope,scanning electron microscope,transmission electron microscopy and X-raydiffraction analysis.The results show that serious segregation exists in as-cast alloy,and the primary phases are T(AlZnMgCu),S(Al2CuMg)and Al8Cu4Er,which preferentially locate in the grain boundary regions.The soluble T(AlZnMgCu)and S(Al2CuMg)phases dissolve into the matrix gradually during single-stage homogenized at465°C with prolonging holding time,but the residualAl8Cu4Er phase cannot dissolve completely.Compared with the single-stage homogenization,both a finer particle size and a highervolume fraction of L12-structured Al3(Er,Zr)dispersoids can be obtained in the two-stage homogenization process.A suitablehomogenization scheme for the present alloy is(400°C,10h)+(465°C,24h),which is consistent with the results of homogenizationkinetic analysis.
Hao WUSheng-ping WENJun-tai LUZhen-peng MIXian-long ZENGHui HUANGZuo-ren NIE