Groundwater is a key component for water resources in Sanjiang and Songnen Plain, an important agriculture basement in China. The quality and the renewability of irrigation groundwater are essential for the stock raising and agricultural production. Shallow groundwater was sampled and analyzed for various variables. The salinity sodium concentration and bicarbonate hazard, were examined with regard to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) irrigation water standards. The concentration of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) was determined to analyze the age of groundwater. Most groundwater samples labeled as excellent to good for irrigation with low salinity hazard or medium salinity hazard. Four groundwater samples were good and suspected for irrigation with high salinity hazard. Generally groundwater in Sanjiang Plain was younger than the groundwater in Songnen Plain. Meanwhile, groundwater nearby river is younger than the groundwater further away inside the watershed. The mean age of groundwater in Sanjiang Plain is in average of 44.1,47.9 and 32.8 years by CFC-11 (CCI3F), CFC-12 (CCI2F2) and CFC-113 (C2CI3F3), respectively. The mean ages of groundwater in Songnen Plain is in average of 46.1, 53.4, and 40.7 years by CFC-11, CFC-12 and CFC-113, respectively. Thus, groundwater nearby rivers could be directly exploited as irrigation water. Partial groundwater has to be processed to lower the salt concentration rather than directly utilized as irrigation water in Songnen Plain. Both water quality and renewability should be put in mind for sustainable agricultural development and water resources management.
为研究白洋淀流域浅层地下水流动系统,于2009年6月在白洋淀流域采集了36个地表水和地下水样本,并在此基础上经过标准化信息提取,得到白洋淀流域地下水数据集。该数据集包括:(1)在ASTERGDEM数据基础上提取的白洋淀流域范围数据(WatershedBYD);(2)白洋淀水系数据(包括河流和湖泊)(RiverLakeBYD);(3)白洋淀下游地下水等水位线数据(Contour Water LevelBYD);(4)2009年6月白洋淀流域实测数据(包括:白洋淀湖水采样点,第一、第二、第三含水层采样点地下水水位埋深和氚含量数据)(Sampling Data);(5)1954-2007年降水中的氚含量数据。数据集存储为.shp和.xlsx格式,压缩后数据量为318 KB。本数据集的相关研究成果发表在《地理科学进展》2015年34卷第3期。
The Sanjiang plain is one of the grain production bases in northeast China.Surface water and groundwater are t...
Bing ZHANG~(1,2),Xianfang SONG~1,Yinghua ZHANG~1,Dongmei HAN~1, Changyuan TANG~3,Ying MA~1 1 Key Laboratory of Water Cycle and Related Land Surface Process,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences,100101,Beijing,China 2 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,100049,Beijing,China 3 Department of Environmental Science & Landscape Architecture,Faculty of Horticulture,Chiba University,Japan