目的:探讨大学生群体生理指标和心境指标的相关性。方法:参加实验的40名大学生全部来自大连理工大学,进入实验室后先休息5分钟,然后进行POMS(profile of mood states)心境量表测试,接下来对被试进行静息心率、血压、唾液皮质醇等生理指标的检测。指标测完后采用spss软件对生理指标和心境指标进行相关分析。结果:被试cortisol水平和心境中焦虑、疲劳指标显著正相关(双尾t检验,p<0.05);静息心率和焦虑、迷茫指标显著正相关(双尾t检验,p<0.05)。结论:数据结果表明心理和生理指标之间存在促进和抑制的相互作用,负面心境和生理的交互作用会损害人体健康,如何改善被试心境状态是心身调节过程中应考虑的重要因素。
Deactivation has been encountered frequently in functional brain imaging researches. However, the deactivations during the numerical processing have not been reported yet. In this study, the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was employed to investigate the pattern of the deactivation in the brain of 15 healthy subjects during the numerical addition task. Analyses revealed significant deactivations in several brain regions, including the posterior cingulate, precuneus, anterior cingulate and prefrontal cortex. Especially, we found notable deactivation in bilateral insula. Accounting for the cognitive functions of these regions participating in a combinated way, we discuss their contributions in sustaining the brain activity during conscious resting state, and indicate that the insula is an important area of gathering auditory information from the external world.