The ability of abscisic acid (ABA) to modulate positive interactions between Arabidopsis thaliana individuals under salinity stress was investigated using abi1-1 (insensitive to ABA), era1-2 (hypersensitive to ABA) mutant and wild type plants. The results showed that sensitivity to ABA affects relative interaction intensity (RII) between Arabidopsis thaliana individuals. The neighbor removal experiments also confirmed the role of phenotypic responses in linking plant-plant interactions and sensitivity to ABA. For abil-1 mutants, the absolute value differences between neighbor removal and control of stem length, root length, leaf area, leaf thickness, flower density, above biomasslbelowground biomass (A/U), photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, leaf water content and water-use efficiency were smaller than those of the wild type, while for era1-2 mutants, these absolute value differences were larger than those of the wild type. Thus, it is suggested that positive interactions between Arabidopsis thaliana individuals are at least partly modulated by different sensitivity to ABA through different physiological and phenotypic plasticity.