In this paper, a new type of through-silicon via(TSV) for via-first process namely bare TSV, is proposed and analyzed with the aim of mitigating noise coupling problems in 3D integrated systems for advanced technology nodes. The bare TSVs have no insulation layers, and are divided into two types: bare signal TSVs and bare ground TSVs. First, by solving Poisson's equation for cylindrical P–N junctions, the bare signal TSVs are shown to be equivalent to conventional signal TSVs according to the simulation results. Then the bare ground TSV is proved to have improved noise-absorption capability when compared with a conventional ground TSV. Also, the proposed bare TSVs offer more advantages to circuits than other noise isolation methods, because the original circuit design,routing and placement can be retained after the application of the bare TSVs.
低温共烧陶瓷(LTCC)技术是实现电子设备小型化、高密度集成化的主流封装/组装集成技术,可适用于耐高温、耐受恶劣环境下的特性要求。报道了以LTCC为结构材料设计、制作的一种MEMS差分电容式加速度计。该器件的敏感质量、4根悬臂梁结构都内嵌于LTCC多层基板,质量块和上下盖板之间通过印刷电极组成差分电容对;高精度电容检测芯片表贴于LTCC基板表面,将差分电容信号转化为电压信号。论文讨论了微机械LTCC加速度计的设计与制备、检测电路和性能测试。LTCC的高密度多层布线减小了互连线的长度和相关耦合寄生电容;基于集成芯片的检测电路解决了分立式检测电路的引起噪声大、电路复杂等问题。测试结果表明:该加速度计结构灵敏度较高,小载荷情况下表现出良好的线性关系,灵敏度约为30.3 m V/gn。