This study is to investigate the role of lipid transfer protein (LTP1) gene of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici, Bgt) resistance. A pair of primers based on the full length cDNA of wheat LTP1 was used for amplifying the coding regions of LTP in hexaploid (AABBDD) wheat and its diploid donors T. urartu (AA), Ae. speltoides ssp speltoide (SS) and Ae. tauchii ssp strangulate (DD). LTP1 and LTP2 of wheat were isolated from the tested two hexaploid (ABD) materials: powdery mildew resistance near isogenic line (NIL) Mardler/7 × Bainong 3217 and its susceptible parent Bainong 3217 at the same time, while only one kind ofLTP gene was found in the tested three diploid materials respectively by using the above PCR primer pairs. Two peaks of the expression of LTP1 and LTP2 induced by powdery mildew were observed [one occurred at 3 h after inoculation (hai); the other occurred at 10 hai] in resistant NIL Mardler/7 × Bainong3217 in comparison with a steady transcript level of LTP1 and LTP2 in susceptible Bainong3217. Transient over-expression result showed that LTP1 reduced the penetration efficiency (PE) of powdery mildew in susceptible cultivar by about 28.3%. This result indicated an obvious effectiveness of LTP1 in powdery mildew resistance. Expression analysis also showed that LTP1 and LTP2 of wheat are generally involved in salt/drought, but not in low temperature stress early responses.
LI Ai-liMENG Cheng-shengZHOU Rong-huaMA Zhi-yingJIA Ji-zeng
根据测序获得的1条260 bp cDNA片段,通过预测发现其包含小麦植物生长素(AUXIN)基因的部分编码序列,通过电子延伸、设计引物,从小麦Mardler/7*百农3217的cDNA中扩增获得一条608 bp的cDNA片段,该基因序列数据库(GenBank)登录号为AY902381(基因)和(蛋白)。编码202个氨基酸,预计蛋白的分子量为23.0 kDa,等电点为9.93。利用已经分离的小麦生长素(AUXIN)基因的保守序列为检索序列,对小麦和水稻中的AUXIN基因家族成员进行分析,利用这些基因编码蛋白序列构建系统发生树,查找在GenBank的EST数据库中查找这些基因的ESTs表达序列,分析了这些基因在细胞中的定位情况和蛋白结构的相似性,根据已知相似基因的功能,分析该基因有进一步深入研究的必要。