Green’s function for the T-stress near a crack tip is addressed with an analytic function method for a semi-infinite crack lying in an elastical, isotropic, and infinite plate. The cracked plate is loaded by a single inclined concentrated force at an interior point. The complex potentials are obtained based on a superposition principle, which provide the solutions to the plane problems of elasticity. The regular parts of the potentials are extracted in an asymptotic analysis. Based on the regular parts, Green’s function for the T-stress is obtained in a straightforward manner. Furthermore, Green’s functions are derived for a pair of symmetrically and anti-symmetrically concentrated forces by the superimposing method. Then, Green’s function is used to predict the domain-switch-induced T-stress in a ferroelectric double cantilever beam (DCB) test. The T-stress induced by the electromechanical loading is used to judge the stable and unstable crack growth behaviors observed in the test. The prediction results generally agree with the experimental data.