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17 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
The Propagation of Wave Packets and Its Relationship with the Subtropical Jet over Southern China in January 2008被引量:2
The propagation of wave packets and its relationship with the subtropical jet was investigated for the period 26 29 January 2008 over southern China using ECMWF Interim re-analysis data. Wave packets propagated from the north to the south side of an upper front with eastward development along the upper front during this period. Due to the eastward development of propagation, the acceleration of geostrophic westerly winds shifted eastward along the front. There were two primary sources of the propagation of wave packets at around 30°N. The first was the temperature inversion layer below 500 hPa, and the second was baroclinic zones located along the polarward flank of the subtropical jet in the middle and upper troposphere. Most wave packets propagated horizontally from the baroclinic zones and then converged on the zero meridional gradients of zonal winds.
利用中尺度非静力数值模式ARPS(Advanced Regional Prediction System),对2006年第4号强热带风暴"碧利斯"的登陆过程,尤其是登陆后的暴雨增幅过程开展了高分辨率数值模拟,并利用观测资料对模拟结果进行了验证,进一步基于该高分辨率模拟资料对该暴雨增幅过程开展了诊断分析。结果表明,ARPS模式较好地模拟再现了"碧利斯"的登陆过程以及登陆后在广东、江西、湖南三省交界处引发的暴雨增幅过程;散度垂直通量和湿位涡的大值区与暴雨增幅地区均有良好的对应关系,对强降水落区有较好指示意义,其中散度垂直通量的对应关系更好。湿位涡不仅很好地反映了与暴雨增幅相关的湿位涡分布,同时也很好地反映了"碧利斯"环流本身所对应的湿位涡分布特征。
利用卫星资料和再分析资料讨论夏季6—8月平均热带辐合带(Intertropical Convergence Zone,简称ITCZ)的强度变化特征及其对热带气旋的影响。首先利用120~150°E,5~20°N区域平均的对外长波辐射(Outgoing Long-wave Radiation,简称OLR)定义一个夏季ITCZ强度指数,再根据这个指数划分ITCZ强弱年并进行合成分析和相关分析。结果表明:ITCZ强弱的变化与高中低层大气环流和前冬海温场有显著的关系,ITCZ强年往往伴随有副热带高压的偏北、偏弱,对流层低层出现气旋性距平风场,高层出现反气旋性距平风场,同时整个太平洋前冬的SST的分布呈现类似La Ni a的海温分布,而弱年正好相反。另一方面,ITCZ的对流强弱对热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone,简称TC)的发生和路径均有重要影响,在ITCZ强年,相应区域上的TC个数增多,同时TC路径更易于打转;而ITCZ弱年,TC个数减少,TC路径更易于向西北行。
On the Generalized Ertel-Rossby Invariant
A new invariant called the generalized Ertel Rossby invariant (GER) was developed in this study. The new invariant is given by the dot product of the generalized vorticity and the generalized velocity. The generalized vortieity is the absolute vorticity minus the cross product of the gradient of Lagrangian--time integrated temperature and the gradient of entropy. The generalized velocity is the absolute velocity minus the sum of the gradient of Lagrangian-time integrated kinetic potential and the Lagrangian time integrated temperature multiplied by the gradient of entropy. In addition to the traditional potential vorticity, the GER invariant may provide another useful tool to study the atmospheric dynamic processes for weather phenomena ranging from large scales to small scales.
Modulation of Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Genesis by Intraseasonal Oscillation of the ITCZ:A Statistical Analysis被引量:3
The present study investigates modulation of western North Pacific (WNP) tropical cyclone (TC) genesis in relation to different phases of the intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) of ITCZ convection during May to October in the period 1979 2008. The phases of the ITCZ ISO were determined based on 30-80-day filtered OLR anomalies averaged over the region (5°20′N, 120°150′E). The number of TCs during the active phases was nearly three times more than during the inactive phases. The active (inactive) phases of ISO were characterized by low-level cyclonic (anticyclonic) circulation anomalies, higher (lower) midlevel relative humidity anomalies, and larger (smaller) vertical gradient anomalies of relative vorticity associated with enhanced (weakened) ITCZ convection anomalies. During the active phases, TCs tended to form in the center of the ITCZ region. Barotropic conversion from the low-level mean flow is suggested to be the major energy source for TC formation. The energy conversion mainly depended on the zonal and meridional gradients of the zonal flow during the active phases. However, barotropic conversion weakened greatly during the inactive phases. The relationship between the meridional gradient of absolute vorticity and low-level zonal flow indicates that the sign of the absolute vorticity gradient tends to be reversed during the two phases, whereas the same sign between zonal flow and the absolute vortieity gradient is more easily satisfied in the active phases. Thus, the barotropie instability of low-level zonal flow might be an important mechanism for TC formation over the WNP during the active phases of ISO.
Analysis of the Role Played by Circulation in the Persistent Precipitation over South China in June 2010被引量:12
South China (SC) experienced persistent heavy rain in June 2010. The climatic anomalies and related mechanism are analyzed in this study. Results show that the large-scale circulation pattern favorable for precipitation was maintained. In the upper level, the South Asian High and westerly jet stream provided a divergent circulation over SC. In the middle and low levels, an anomalous strong subtropical high (STH) extended to the South China Sea. The southwesterly monsoon flow along the northwest flank of the STH transported abundant water vapor from the western North Pacific, the Bay of Bengal, and the South China Sea to SC. The precipitation can be classified into two types: the West Siberia low (WSL)-induced low-level cyclone mode, and the STH-induced low-level jet mode. STH and WSL indices are defined to estimate the influence of these two systems, respectively. Analysis shows that both are critical for precipitation, but their respective contributions differ from year to year. In 2010, both were important factors for the heavy rainfall in June.
Increasing Duration of Tropical Cyclones over China
Tropical cyclone(TC) damage is closely associated with the time TCs spend over land.After examining 233 TCs th...
Xiaoyu Chen
Modulation of the Arctic Oscillation and the East Asian Winter Climate Relationships by the 11-year Solar Cycle被引量:15
The modulation of the relationship between the Arctic Oscillation (AO) and the East Asian winter climate by the 11-year solar cycle was investigated. During winters with high solar activity (HS), robust warming appeared in northern Asia in a positive AO phase. This result corresponded to an enhanced anticyclonic flow at 850 hPa over northeastern Asia and a weakened East Asian trough (EAT) at 500 hPa. However, during winters with low solar activity (LS), both the surface warming and the intensities of the anticyclonic flow and the EAT were much less in the presence of a positive AO phase. The possible atmospheric processes for this 11-year solar-cycle modulation may be attributed to the indirect influence that solar activity induces in the structural changes of AO. During HS winters, the sea level pressure oscillation associated with the AO became stronger, with the significant influence of AO extending to East Asia. In the meantime, the AO-related zonal-mean zonal winds tended to extend more into the stratosphere during HS winters, which implies a stronger coupling to the stratosphere. These trends may have led to an enhanced AO phase difference; thus the associated East Asian climate anomalies became larger and more significant. The situation tended to reverse during LS winters. Further analyses revealed that the relationship between the winter AO and surface-climate anomalies in the following spring is also modulated by the 11-year solar cycle, with significant signals appearing only during HS phases. Solar-cycle variation should be taken into consideration when the AO is used to predict winter and spring climate anomalies over East Asia.
Kinetic and Available Potential Energy Transport during the Stratospheric Sudden Warming in January 2009
The local features of transient kinetic energy and available potential energy were investigated using ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) Interim Reanalysis data for the stratospheric sudden warming (SSW) event of January 2009. The Western Europe high plays important roles in the propagation of the energy from North America to Eurasian. When the Western Europe high appeared and shifted eastward, energy conversions increased and energy propagated from North America to Eurasian as a form of interaction energy flow. The baroclinic conversion between transient-eddy kinetic energy (Ke) and transient-eddy available potential energy (Ae) and the horizontal advection of geopotential height were approximately one order of magnitude less than Ke and Ae generation terms. So, these terms were less important to this SSW event.
Second order potential vorticity and its potential applications被引量:2
A new invariant, the second order potential vorticity(SPV), is derived in this paper. SPV is the dot product of vorticity and the potential vorticity(PV) gradient, and is proven conservative for a compressible, adiabatic and frictionless atmosphere. Research shows that the new invariant may be used to indicate the evolution of PV, because SPV includes all the information that determines PV evolution: the wind field, and the PV gradient. Furthermore, SPV is capable of diagnosing heavy precipitation because of the strong signals it presents in areas of heavy rainfall. SPV also shows great potential as a comprehensive conserved quantity for indicating the dynamical tropopause and baroclinic instability.
GAO ShouTingXU PengChengLI NaZHOU YuShu