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  • 1篇激光驱动器
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6 条 记 录,以下是 1-7
A high linearity current mode second IF CMOS mixer for a DRM/DAB receiver
A passive current switch mixer was designed for the second IF down-conversion in a DRM/DAB re- ceiver. The circuit consists of an input transconductance stage, a passive current switching stage, and a current amplifier stage. The input transconductance stage employs a self-biasing current reusing technique, with a resistor shunt feedback to increase the gain and output impedance. A dynamic bias technique is used in the switching stage to ensure the stability of the overdrive voltage versus the PVT variations. A current shunt feedback is introduced to the conventional low-voltage second-generation fully balanced multi-output current converter (FBMOCCII), which provides very low input impedance and high output impedance. With the circuit working in current mode, the linearity is effectively improved with low supply voltages. Especially, the transimpedance stage can be re- moved, which simplifies the design considerably. The design is verified with a SMIC 0.18μm RF CMOS process. The measurement results show that the voltage conversation gain is 1.407 dB, the NF is 16.22 dB, and the IIP3 is 4.5 dBm, respectively. The current consumption is 9.30 mA with a supply voltage of 1.8 W. This exhibits a good compromise among the gain, noise, and linearity for the second IF mixer in DRM/DAB receivers.
总结并展望了硅基混合表面等离子体纳米光波导及集成器件方面的理论和实验研究工作。首先介绍了几种硅基混合表面等离子体纳米光波导结构,其尺寸可小至100 nm以下,而传播长度达100μm量级;其次介绍了基于硅基混合表面等离子体纳米光波导的功分器、偏振分束器和谐振器等集成器件,其尺寸为亚微米量级;最后探讨了硅基混合表面等离子体纳米光波导与硅纳米线光波导的耦合及对其进行增益补偿。
Design of 15 Gb/s inductorless limiting amplifier with RSSI and LOS indication in 65nm CMOS
A limiting amplifier IC implemented in 65nm CMOS technology and intended for high-speed op- tical fiber communications is described in this paper. The inductorless limiting amplifier incorporates 5-stage 8 dB gain limiting cells with active feedback and negative Miller capacitance, a high speed output buffer with novel third order active feedback, and a high speed full-wave rectifier. The re- ceiver signal strength indictor (RSSI) can detect input signal power with 33dB dynamic range, and the limiting amplifier features a programmable loss of signal (LOS) indication with external resistor. The sensitivity of the limiting amplifier is 5.5mV at BER = 10^ -12 and the layout area is only 0.53 × 0.72 mm^2 because of no passive inductor. The total gain is over 41dB, and bandwidth exceeds 12GHz with 56mW power dissipation.
陈莹梅Xu ZhigangWang TaoZhang Li
给出了一种采用IBM 0.13μm BiCMOS工艺实现的用于40Gb/s激光驱动器和光接收机前端放大器芯片设计。其中激光驱动器电路主要由输入缓冲级、预放大级和输出级电路组成,预防大级电路采用串联电阻负反馈结构,输出级电...
Design of 10 GHz eight-phase voltage controlled oscillator in 90nm CMOS
A novel 10 GHz eight-phase voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) architecture applied in clock and data recovery (CDR) circuit for 40 Gbit/s optical communications system is proposed. Compared with the traditional eight-phase oscillator, a new ring CL ladder filter structure with four inductors is proposed. The VCO is designed and fabricated in IBM 90 nm complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor (CMOS) technology. Measurement results show the tuning range is 9.2 GHz-11.0 GHz and the phase noise of - 108.85 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset from the carrier frequency of 10 GHz. The chip area of VCO is 500 μm × 685 μm and the power dissipation is 17.4 mW with the 1.2 V supply voltage.
CHEN Ying-meiWANG HuiYAN Shuang-chaoZHANG LiLI Wei
Verilog HDL modeling and design of 10Gb/s SerDes full rate CDR in 65nm CMOS
Phase locked loop(PLL) is a typical analog-digital mixed signal circuit and a method of conducting a top level system verification including PLL with standard digital simulator becomes especially significant.The behavioral level model(BLM) of the PLL in Verilog-HDL for pure digital simulator is innovated in this paper,and the design of PLL based clock and data recovery(CDR)circuit aided with jitter attenuation PLL for SerDes application is also presented.The CDR employs a dual-loop architecture where a frequency-locked loop acts as an acquisition aid to the phase-locked loop.To simultaneously meet jitter tolerance and jitter transfer specifications defined in G.8251 of optical transport network(ITU-T OTN),an additional jitter attenuation PLL is used.Simulation results show that the peak-to-peak jitter of the recovered clock and data is 5.17 ps and 2.3ps respectively.The core of the whole chip consumes 72 mA current from a 1.0V supply.
陈莹梅Chen XuehuiYi LvfanWen Guanguo