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作品数:2 被引量:0H指数:0


  • 2篇中文期刊文章


  • 1篇天文地球
  • 1篇理学


  • 1篇NUCLEI
  • 1篇ORB
  • 1篇RAY
  • 1篇REACTI...
  • 1篇SPALLA...
  • 1篇COSMIC
  • 1篇COSMOG...
  • 1篇DAM
  • 1篇GEANT4
  • 1篇INSTRU...
  • 1篇CALIBR...


  • 1篇Chines...
  • 1篇Resear...


  • 1篇2019
  • 1篇2014
2 条 记 录,以下是 1-2
Calibration of the DAMPE Plastic Scintillator Detector and its on-orbit performance
The DArk Matter Particle Explorer(DAMPE) is a space-borne apparatus for detecting the highenergy cosmic-ray-like electrons, γ-rays, protons and heavy ions. The Plastic Scintillator Detector(PSD)is the top-most sub-detector of the DAMPE. The PSD is designed to measure the charge of incident highenergy particles and it also serves as a veto detector for discriminating γ-rays from charged particles. In this paper, a PSD on-orbit calibration procedure is described, which includes the five steps of pedestal, dynode correlation, response to minimum-ionizing particles, light attenuation function and energy reconstruction.A method for reconstructing the charge of incident high energy cosmic-ray particles is introduced. The detection efficiency of each PSD strip is verified to be above 99.5%; the total efficiency of the PSD for charged particles is above 99.99%.
Meng DingYa-Peng ZhangYong-Jie ZhangYuan-Peng WangTie-Kuang DongAntonio De BenedittisPaolo BernardiniFang FangYao LiJie LiuPeng-Xiong MaZhi-Yu SunValentina GalloStefania VitilloZhao-Min WangYu-Hong YuChuan YueQiang YuanYong ZhouYun-Long Zhang
Production rates of cosmogenic nuclei on the lunar surface
A physical model for Geant4-based simulation of the galactic cosmic ray (GCR) particles' interaction with the lunar surface matter has been developed to investigate the production rates of cosmogenic nuclei. In this model the GCRs, mainly very high energy protons and 0c particles, bombard the surface of the Moon and produce many secondary particles, such as protons and neutrons. The energies of protons and neutrons at different depths are recorded and saved as ROOT files, and the analytical expressions for the differential proton and neutron fluxes are obtained through the best-fit procedure using ROOT software. To test the validity of this model, we calculate the production rates of the long-lived nuclei 10Be and 26Al in the Apollo 15 long drill core by combining the above differential fluxes and the newly evaluated spallation reaction cross sections. Our numerical results show that the theoretical production rates agree quite well with the measured data, which means that this model works well. Therefore, it can be expected that this model can be used to investigate the cosmogenic nuclei in future lunar samples returned by the Chinese lunar exploration program and can be extended to study other objects, such as meteorites and the Earth's atmosphere.