本文主要针对室内无线传播信道直达(line of sight,LOS)与非直达(no line of sight,NLOS)环境,引入参考模型研究其建模设计及其相关统计特性.文中提出了一种基于几何散射模型的综合改进室内参考信道模型,假设将无限数量的散射体均匀分布在三维空间的一个二维(two dimensional,2D)水平面上.本文推导了电磁波达信号到达角(angle of arrival,AOA)概率分布函数(probability density function,PDF)、多普勒功率谱密度(power spectral Density,PSD)、时间自相关函数(autocorrelation function,ACF)的解析表达式,并分析其重要参数对函数的影响.此外,本文还通过非现实参考模型提出了一种高效的SOC(Sum of Cisoids)信道仿真模型,同时提出了设计SOC信道仿真模型的两种有效参数计算方法,并比较两者的计算性能.仿真结果表明,信道仿真模型的统计特性与参考模型相匹配,即室内参考模型可以通过的SOC信道仿真模型来近似,同时信道仿真模型可以很好的应用于评估室内无线通信系统的性能,拓宽了室内无线信道建模的研究,同时减少实现开支.
A three-dimensional (3D) Von Mises Fisher (VMF) distribution model was derived in multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) antenna communication environment. The azimuth of arrival and elevation of arrival are distributed for VMF distribution instead of the uniform or other traditional distributions. In particular the MIMO uniform Y-shaped array (UYA) and the uniform circular array (UCA) antenna topology are considered at mobile station and base station. The developed spatial fading correlation of the VMF model is determined by parameters of the concentration parameter, antenna spacing, mean azimuth of arrival, mean elevation of arrival. Using the channel model, the effects of the concentration parameter and the mean elevation angle on the capacity of MIMO antenna systems was analyzed. It is shown that the mean elevation of arrival must be taken into account in 3D MIMO communication environment.