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作品数:4 被引量:12H指数:2


  • 4篇中文期刊文章


  • 4篇天文地球
  • 1篇理学


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  • 1篇年代际变化
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  • 1篇地球物理学报
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  • 1篇2016
  • 2篇2012
  • 1篇2011
4 条 记 录,以下是 1-4
On Numerical methods for determination of Earth gravity field model using mass satellite gravity gradiometry data
On the basis of Space-Wise Least Square method, three numerical methods including Cholesky de- composition, pre-conditioned conjugate gradient and Open Multi-Processing parallel algorithm are applied into the determination of gravity field with satellite gravity gradiometry data. The results show that, Cholesky de- composition method has been unable to meet the requirements of computation efficiency when the computer hardware is limited. Pre-conditioned conjugate gradient method can improve the computation efficiency of huge matrix inversion, but it also brings a certain loss of precision. The application of Open Multi-Processing parallel algorithm could achieve a good compromise between accuracy and computation efficiency.
Zhu GuangbinChang XiaotaoLi XinfaZhang XinhangLi Yuxing
Numerical Study on the Mixed Model in the GOCE Polar Gap Problem
Gravity gradients acquired by the Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer(GOCE) do not cover the entire earth because of its sun-synchronous orbit leaving data gaps with a radius of about 6.5° in the polar regions.Previous studies showed that the loss of data in the polar regions deteriorates the accuracy of the low order(or near zonal) coefficients of the earth gravity model,which is the so-called polar gap problem in geodesy.In order to find a stable solution for the earth gravity model from the GOCE gravity gradients,three models,i.e.the Gauss-Markov model,light constraint model and the mixed model,are compared and evaluated numerically with the gravity gradient simulated with the EGM2008.The comparison shows that the Best Linear Uniformly Unbiased Estimation(BLUUE) estimator of the mixed model can solve the polar gap problem as effectively as the light constraint model;furthermore,the mixed model is more rigorous in dealing with the supplementary information and leads to a better accuracy in determining the global geoid.
ZOU XiancaiCAI JianqingNico SneeuwLI Jiancheng
Low-frequency sea level variation and its correlation with climate events in the Pacific被引量:6
Global mean sea level(GMSL) has not only significant secular trend and seasonal variations,but also inter-annual and decadal variations.This paper reconstructs the time series of GMSL variations between 1948 and 2007 by combining satellite altimeter measurements and tide gauge observations.Based on the time series,the acceleration of GMSL rise in the second half of 20th century is estimated to be 0.010±0.009 mm/a 2,and multi-scale low frequency sea level oscillations including decadal variations are detected,and the high-rate of GMSL rise during 1993-2003 is locate in the ascending phase of low frequency oscillation.Then,using the reconstructed GMSL time series after removing the secular trend from satellite altimetry and tide gauges measurements,it shows that low frequency signal of sea level variation has strong correlations with the index of El Ni o/Southern Oscillation(ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO).But in several time periods,they have large difference due to effects of both high frequency occurrence of El Ni o and La Ni a phenomenon and short term switch of PDO events.
JIN TaoYongLI JianChengJIANG WeiPingCHU YongHai