联合国政府间气候变化专业委员会(IPCC)最新报告预测20世纪中叶全球大气二氧化碳(CO2)浓度将由目前的381μmolmol-1至少上升到550μmolmol-1,CO2浓度不断升高将对世界粮食生产和安全产生深刻影响。与封闭和半封闭气室相比,FACE(FreeAir CO2 Enrichment,开放式空气中CO2浓度增高)技术平台,在完全开放的大田条件下运行,代表了人们对未来高CO2浓度环境的最好模拟。水稻是世界上最重要的粮食作物之一,在过去10a中(1998~2007年),全球有两个大型水稻FACE平台(直径12m)在运行,一个在温带地区的日本岩手,另一个在亚热带地区的中国江苏。以FACE研究为重点,系统收集和整理了高CO2浓度对水稻产量影响的研究进展,比较了FACE与各种气室研究结果的异同点,评估了CO2与生物(品种、病虫和杂草)和非生物因子(肥料、水分、温度和臭氧)的互作效应,提出了未来大气CO2浓度升高情形下水稻生产的适应策略,并讨论了该领域有待深入研究的方向。
Free air CO2 enrichment(FACE) and nitrogen(N) have marked effects on rice root growth,and numerical simulation can explain these effects. To further define the effects of FACE on root growth of rice, an experiment was performed, using the hybrid indica cultivar Xianyou63. The effects of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration [CO2], 200 μmol mol-1higher than ambient, on the growth of rice adventitious roots were evaluated, with two levels of N: low(LN, 125 kg ha-1) and normal(NN, 250 kg ha-1). The results showed a significant increase in both adventitious root number(ARN) and adventitious root length(ARL) under FACE treatment. The application of nitrogen also increased ARN and ARL, but these increases were smaller than that under FACE treatment. On the basis of the FACE experiment, numerical models for rice adventitious root number and length were constructed with time as the driving factor. The models illustrated the dynamic development of rice adventitious root number and length after transplanting, regulated either by atmospheric [CO2] or by N application.The simulation result was supported by statistical tests comparing experimental data from different years, and the model yields realistic predictions of root growth. These results suggest that the models have strong predictive potential under conditions of atmospheric [CO2] rises in the future.