The high-resolution azimuthal resistivity laterolog response in a fractured formation was numerically simulated using a three-dimensional finite element method. Simulation results show that the azimuthal resistivity is determined by fracture dipping as well as dipping direction, while the amplitude differences between deep and shallow laterolog resistivities are mainly controlled by the former. A linear relationship exists between the corrected apparent conductivities and fracture aperture. With the same fracture aperture, the deep and shallow laterolog resistivities present small values with negative separations for low-angle fractures, while azimuthal resistivities have large variations with positive separations for high-angle fractures that intersect the borehole. For dipping fractures, the variation of the azimuthal resistivity becomes larger when the fracture aperture increases. In addition, for high-angle fractures far from the borehole, a negative separation between the deep and shallow resistivities exists when fracture aperture is large as well as high resistivity contrast exists between bedrock and fracture fluid. The decreasing amplitude of dual laterolog resistivity can indicate the aperture of low-angle fractures, and the variation of the deep azimuthal resistivity can give information of the aperture of high-angle fractures and their position relative to the borehole.
Shao-Gui DengLi LiZhi-Qiang LiXu-Quan HeYi-Ren Fan