Complexity measures for multisequences over finite fields, such as the joint linear complexity and the k-error joint linear complexity, play an important role in cryptology. In this paper we study a fast algorithm, presented by Venkateswarlu A, to computer the k-error joint linear complexity of a binary periodic multisequence. In this paper, the aim is mainly to complement the theoretical derivation and proof of the existing algorithm. Moreover, our algorithm reduces computation.
In this paper, the period distribution of cyclic codes overR = F_q + uF_q +···+u^(m-1)F_q is studied, where um= 0 and q is a prime power. A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of period of cyclic codes over R is given. The period distributions of cyclic codes over R and their dual codes are determined by employing generator polynomial. The counting formulas of the period distributions of cyclic codes over R and their dual codes are obtained.