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4 条 记 录,以下是 1-4
Arsenic dynamics in the rhizosphere and its sequestration on rice roots as affected by root oxidation被引量:18
A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of root oxidation on arsenic (As) dynamics in the rhizosphere and As sequestration on rice roots. There were significant differences (P 〈 0.05) in pH values between rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soils, with pH 5.68-6.16 in the rhizosphere and 6.30-6.37 in non-rhizosphere soils as well as differences in redox potentials (P 〈 0.05). Percentage arsenite was lower (4%-16%) in rhizosphere soil solutions from rice genotypes with higher radial oxygen loss (ROL) compared with genotypes with lower ROL (P 〈 0.05). Arsenic concentrations in iron plaque and rice straw were significantly negatively correlated (R = -0.60, P 〈 0.05). Genotypes with higher ROL (TD71 and Yinjingmanzhau) had significantly (P 〈 0.001) lower total As in rice grains (1.35 and 0.96 mg/kg, respectively) compared with genotypes with lower ROL (IAPAR9, 1.68 mg/kg; Nanyangzhan 2.24 mg/kg) in the As treatment, as well as lower inorganic As (P 〈 0.05). The present study showed that genotypes with higher ROL could oxidize more arsenite in rhizosphere soils, and induce more Fe plaque formation, which subsequently sequestered more As. This reduced As uptake in aboveground plant tissues and also reduced inorganic As accumulation in rice grains. The study has contributed to further understanding the mechanisms whereby ROL influences As uptake and accumulation in rice.
Weisong PanChuan WuShengguo XueWilliam Hartley
水稻是目前世界上(尤其是东南亚)最主要的粮食作物之一,也是砷(As)通过食物链进入人体的主要途径。日益加剧的土壤砷污染,严重影响了稻米的产量和品质,进而威胁着人体健康。通过温室实验,研究CNT 87059-3、玉香油占和巴西陆稻3种不同渗氧能力的水稻品种在不同砷浓度处理下的生长情况和砷积累特征,结果表明:(1)渗氧能力强的玉香油占砷耐性指数最高,砷处理浓度为2 mg/L时耐性指数高达0.71,而CNT 87059-3的耐性指数为0.55,巴西陆稻仅有0.17;(2)随着砷处理浓度的升高,3种水稻品种的生物量呈现下降趋势,但渗氧能力强的玉香油占较其它两品种生物量的下降幅度小;(3)在不同砷浓度处理下水稻地下部分的砷含量有显著性差异(P<0.001),且同种砷浓度处理下不同水稻品种的地下部分砷含量也存在显著性差异(P<0.01),渗氧能力较强的水稻品种与渗氧能力较弱的品种相比能显著降低砷在根部(地下部分)的积累。水稻渗氧能力与其砷耐性和砷积累有显著相关性,渗氧能力越强,水稻的砷耐性越强,砷的积累量越少。因此,通过筛选渗氧能力强的水稻品种,有望降低污染农田水稻的砷含量和健康风险。
Effects of root oxidation ability and P on As mobility and bioavailability in rice被引量:3
The effects of root oxidization ability and P fertilization on As mobility in soils, and subsequently As uptake, translocation and speciation in rice plants were investigated. Results show that root oxidation significantly influences As mobility in rhizoshphere.Genotype TD71 with higher radial oxygen loss(ROL) induces more Fe plaque formation and sequesters more As and P in iron plaque and rhizoshphere soil, leading to the reduction of As accumulation in rice plants. Additionally, P addition mobilizes As in soil solution, and increases As accumulation in rice plants. Arsenic speciation results show that the majority of As species in husks detected is inorganic As, accounting for 82%-93% of the total As, while in grains the majority of As is inorganic As and dimethyl arsenic(DMA), with DMA accounting for 33%-64% of the total As. The fraction of inorganic As decreases while fraction of DMA increases, with increasing As and P concentrations. The study further elucidates the mechanisms involved in effects of ROL on As tolerance and accumulation in rice.
Effect of arsenic on spatial pattern of radial oxygen loss and iron plaque formation in rice被引量:1
The effects of different arsenic (As) treatments on spatial pattern of radial oxygen loss (ROL), iron (Fe) plaque formation and As accumulation in rice were investigated using three rice genotypes, planted under greenhouse conditions. Arsenic was applied to soil at 50 and 100 mg/kg, with untreated soil used as a control having an average As concentration of 8.5 mg/kg. It was demonstrated that the ratio of ROL in root tips to that at the root base slightly decreased with increasing As concentration, suggesting that the spatial ROL patterns in these groups may be shifted from the “tight” barrier towards the “partial” barrier form. Furthermore, increasing As concentration led to a increase in Fe plaque formation on root surfaces. In addition, root As concentrations of genotypes in 50 and 100 mg/kg As treatments were significantly higher than that of control treatment (P〈0.05). Grain As concentration of genotype Nanyangzhan (with lower ROL) was significantly higher (P〈0.05) than that of genotype CNT87059-3 with higher ROL.
吴川黄柳薛生国潘炜松邹奇William Hartley莫竞瑜