报道了9-[(4氟-)-3羟-基甲基丁基]鸟嘌呤(FHBG,Ⅱ)的改进合成方法,对起始原料喷昔洛韦(Ⅲ)的氨基和一个羟基用4-甲氧基氯化三苯甲烷保护,对另一个羟基磺酯化,得到N2-(p-甲氧基苯酰基二苯基甲基)-9-[(4甲-苯磺酰)-3-p-甲氧基苯酰基二苯基-甲氧基甲基丁基]鸟嘌呤(Ⅴ),收率为70.5%;再用四丁基氟化铵(TBAF)对化合物Ⅴ亲核取代4-甲苯磺酰基团,水解脱去保护基,即得FHBG。产品经1HNMR、IR、MS表征,并用HPLC分析了Ⅴ和Ⅱ,保留时间分别为5.89 m in和4.41 m in,积分计算质量分数分别为w(Ⅴ)=99.5%和w(Ⅱ)=99.3%。
O-(2-[18F]fluoroethyl) -L-tyrosine([18F]FET) ,a fluorine-18 labeled analogue of tyrosine,has been syn-thesized and biologically evaluated in tumor-bearing mice. The whole synthesis procedure is com-pleted within 50 min. The radiochemical yield is about 40%(no decay corrected) and radiochemical purity more than 97% after simplified solid phase extraction. [18F]FET shows rapid,high uptake and long retention in the tumor as well as low uptake in the brain. The ratios of tumor-to-muscle(T/M) and tumor-to-blood(T/B) of [18F]FET are similar to those of [18F]FDG,but the ratios of tumor-to-brain(T/Br) are 2-3 times higher than that of [18F]FDG. Autoradiography of [18F]FET demonstrates a remarkable accumulation in melanoma with high contrast. It appears to be a probable competitive candidate for melanoma imaging with PET.
WANG MingWei,YIN DuanZhi,LI ShiQiang & WANG YongXian Radiopharmaceutical Centre,Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 201800,China
用三氟甲基磺酸-4-三甲基铵苯甲醛作标记前体制备了一种用途广泛的18F标记中间体4-[18F]氟苯甲醛,并用正交实验法对标记条件进行了优化。在最佳标记条件下,其合成时间为45 min,标记率为62.1%,放化产率为56.5%(衰变校正)。标记物经Sep-Pak Plus C18柱纯化后,放化纯度大于95%。