对东亚北部(40—50°N,100—130°E)区域1953—2012年大气温度的冬季-夏季-次年冬季(简称冬季-冬季)的季节变化特征进行了初步研究.结果表明:2008年以来,该区域的气温从低层至高层(1000—400 h Pa)连续三年出现冬季偏冷-夏季偏暖-次年冬季偏冷的典型特征,20世纪50—60年代亦有类似情况;而20世纪90年代则出现了与此相反的冬季偏暖-夏季偏冷-次年冬季偏暖的变化特征.将这种典型的气温季节变化特征定义为一种新的变化机理:冬季-冬季再现(WWR).根据1953—2012年的历年变化情况将这60年划分为四种不同的类型:负(正)冬季-冬季再现(negative/positive WWR)型和负(正)冬季-冬季非再现(negative/positive non-WWR)型.其中,气温表现为WWR型的年份共计23年,出现概率近40%,并且该WWR特征是相对独立于El Nio-南方涛动指数的变化而存在的.对不同类型年份的位势高度场、垂直速度场及其850 h Pa风场进行的合成分析表明:对于WWR型,高层(500 h Pa)至低层(1000 h Pa)的大气内部动力过程具有与气温相匹配的冬季-冬季的再现特征;而non-WWR型则没有出现类似的特征,从而在一定程度验证了WWR存在的可能性.WWR的提出为进一步开展当前全球增暖背景下冬季低温事件的频发提供了一个新的思路.
Based on the 1983~2011 CMAP data,the precipitation anomaly in East Asia and its nearby sea regions(hereafter called East Asia for short) demonstrates the "+-+" pattern before 1999 and the "-+-" pattern afterwards; this decadal change is contained principally in the corresponding EOF3 component.However,the NCC_CGCM forecast results are quite different,which reveal the "+-+-" pattern before 1999 and the "-+-+" pattern afterwards.Meanwhile,the probability of improving NCC_CGCM's forecast accuracy based on these key SST areas is discussed,and the dynamic-statistics combined forecast scheme is constructed for increasing the information of decadal change contained in the summer precipitation in East Asia.The independent sample forecast results indicate that this forecasting scheme can effectively modify the NCC_CGCM's decadal change information contained in the summer precipitation in East Asia(especially in the area of 30°N–55°N).The ACC is 0.25 and ACR is 61% for the forecasting result based on the V SST area,and the mean ACC is 0.03 and ACR is 51% for the seven key areas,which are better than NCC_CGCM's system error correction results(ACC is -0.01 and ACR is 49%).Besides,the modified forecast results also provide the information that the precipitation anomaly in East Asia mainly shows the "+-+" pattern before 1999 and the "-+-" pattern afterwards.
本文介绍了国家气候中心发展的一个全球海洋碳循环环流模式,并分析评估了该模式的基本性能.该模式是在美国地球物理流体动力学实验室(GFDL,Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory)的全球海洋环流模式MOM4(Modular Ocean Model Version 4)基础上发展的一个垂直方向40层、包含生物地球化学过程的全球三维海洋碳循环环流模式,简称为MOM4_L40(Modular Ocean Model Version 4 With 40Levels).该模式在气候场强迫下长期积分1000年,结果分析表明,与观测相比,模式较好地模拟了海洋温度、盐度、总二氧化碳、总碱、总磷酸盐的表面和垂直分布特征.模拟的海洋总二氧化碳分布与观测基本相符,表层为低值区,其下为高值区,高值区域位于10°S—60°N之间,但2000m以上模拟值较观测偏小,2000m以下模拟值较观测偏大.总体来说,MOM4_L40模式是一个可信赖的海洋碳循环过程模拟研究工具.