Software today often consists of a large number of components offering and requiring services. Such components should be deployed into embedded, pervasive environments, and several deployment architectures are typically possible. These deployment architectures can have significant impacts on system reliability. However, existing reliability estimation approaches are typically limited to certain classes or exclusively concentrate on software reliability, neglecting the influence of hardware resources, software deployment and architectural styles. The selection of an appropriate architectural style has a significant impact on system reliability of the target system. Therefore, we propose a novel software architecture (SA) based reliability estimation model incorporating software deployment and architectural style. On the basis of two architectural styles, we design influence factors and present a new approach to calculate system reliability. Experimental results show that influence factors provide an accurate and simple method of reflecting architectural styles and software deployment on system reliability. It is important for considering the influence of other architectural styles on system reliability in large scale deployment environment.
Su Xihong Wu Zhibo Liu Hongwei Yang Xiaozong Zuo Decheng
Against the deficiencies of component-based software(CBS) reliability modeling and analysis,for instance,importing too many assumptions,paying less attention to debugging process without considering imperfect debugging and change-point(CP) problems adequately,an approach of CBS reliability process analysis is proposed which incorporates the imperfect debugging and CP.First,perfect/imperfect debugging and CP are reviewed.Based on the queuing theory,a multi-queue multichannel and infinite server queuing model(MMISQM) is presented to sketch the integration test process of CBS.Meanwhile,considering the effects of imperfect debugging and CP,expressions for fault detection and correction are derived based on MMISQM.Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed model can sketch the integration test process of CBS with preferable performance which outperforms other models.
延迟容忍移动传感器网络(DTMSN)是一种广泛应用的数据采集网络.提出一种基于社会网络的数据传输策略SNBD(social network-based data delivery scheme)应用于DTMSN.SNBD引入社会网络中的相互作用强度和相称机制,通过计算两传感器节点之间的相互作用强度值和相称值,作为消息传输时选择下一跳的依据.为了优化节点队列,SNBD采用消息的重要因子和TTL决定队列中消息传递的优先顺序和丢弃原则.模拟实验表明,与现有的几种数据传输策略相比,SNBD不但具有较高的数据传输成功率,而且具有较低的数据传输能耗和传输延迟,并且通过分析发现SNBD的网络寿命是SRAD和FAD的8倍.