Using simulated soil column experiments, the effects of different dosages and ratios of KCI and MgCI2 mixture on salinization nutrient ions in the secondary salinization soil which had 3 years of planting were studied, with the aim to provide the theory basis for the remediation of secondary salinization soil. Results showed that the content of soil K-, Mg2+, CI- and the total salinity were increased, with the increasing concentrations of nutrient solution, while Na+, Ca2+ and HCO3- contents were reduced. Compared with originals oil, soil K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, CI- and total soil salinity were decreased, and HCO3- and SO42 were increased. In terms of the variation of soil total charge, the change ranges in 1:1 treatment varied small, but the residual of soil cationic decreased with increasing application of K+ in the 2:1 treatment. It could be concluded that balanced and low application fertilizer could alleviate the soil saline, decrease the soil nutrition leaching and improve the balance among ions, while excess fertilization could accelerate the imbalance of zwitterions.