目的:探讨家庭教养方式对中学生校园欺凌行为倾向的影响以及核心自我评价的中介作用。方法:本研究采用中学生校园欺凌问卷、家庭教养方式量表和核心自我评价量表,以班级为单位,用整群随机方式,对河北省承德市某中学545名学生进行调查。结果:1) 父母情感温暖与中学生受欺凌行为存在显著负相关(r = −0.098, p r = −0.127, p r = 0.197, p r = 0.268, p r = 0.222, p r = 0.230, p Objective: To explore the influence of family parenting style on the tendency of school bullying behavior of middle school students and the mediating role of core self-evaluation. Methods: In this study, 545 students from a middle school in Chengde City, Hebei Province were randomly surveyed by class using the School Bullying Questionnaire, Family Parenting Style Scale and Core Self-Evaluation Scale. Results: 1) There was a significant negative correlation between parental warmth and bullied behavior of middle school students (r = −0.098, p r = −0.127, p r = 0.197, p r = 0.268, p r = 0.222, p r = 0.230, p < 0.01). 5) Core self-evaluation played a mediating role in the prediction of parental rejection and parental overprotection on the tendency of middle school students to be bullied. Conclusions: 1) Parental emotional warmth and core self-evaluation could significantly negatively predict the tendency of middle school bullying behavior, and parental rejection and parental overprotection could significantly and positively predict the tendency of middle school students’ school bullying behavior. 2) In the predictive effect of parental rejection and parental overprotection on the tendency of middle school students to be bullied, core self-evaluation played a mediating role.
目的探讨焦点解决短程治疗对脑卒中患者自我感受负担及生存质量的影响。方法选取2016年1~6月承德市某三级甲等医院康复科收治的60例脑卒中患者,按随机数字表法分为对照组(n=30)和试验组(n=30)。对照组采用常规护理和康复治疗,试验组在此基础上采用焦点解决短程治疗进行心理干预,每周2~3次,每次30~45rain。干预前后采用自我感受负担量表(self-per-ceivedburdenscale,SPBS)、纽芬兰纪念大学幸福度量表(memorial university of Newfoundland scale of happiness,MUNSH)和健康调查简表(short from 36 health survey questionaire,SF-36)进行评价。结果(1)试验组干预前后在SPBS[(39.27±5.83)分,(22.40±4.03)分,f=16.248,P〈0.01]和MUNSH[(4.20±4.50)分,(31.10±3.66)分,t=-24.136,P〈0.01]上的得分比较,差异有统计学意义。干预后试验组和对照组在SPBS[(22.40±4.03)分,(35.30±2.63)分,t=-14.683,P〈0.01]和MUNSH[(31.10±3.66)分,(19.67±3.64)分,t=12.127,P〈0.01]上的得分比较,差异有统计学意义;(2)在SF-36的生理功能、一般健康、活力、社会功能、情感职能和精神健康维度得分上,试验组干预后较干预前提高(t=-23.427~-6.624,均P〈0.01),试验组干预后高于对照组干预后(t=5.705~12.806,均P〈0.01),差异均有统计学意义。结论焦点解决短程治疗可有效降低脑卒中患者自我感受负担,提高其生存质量,值得临床推广。