随着互联网与人工智能技术的飞速发展,体育电子商务已成为驱动体育产业发展的关键力量。本文深入剖析了电子商务环境下体育消费行为的特征及其影响因素,包括购买行为的变革、产品选择的多元化与个性化、消费行为的便捷化体验以及再购买与服务行为的激励机制。未来,体育电子商务将呈现多元化与专业化深度融合、潮流化与年轻化持续引领、理性化与性价比深入追求以及数据驱动与精准营销深化应用等趋势。这些趋势要求体育企业优化产品结构,提升服务质量,保持敏锐的市场洞察力,快速响应潮流趋势,并构建强大的数据分析能力以实施精准营销策略。同时,加强与社交媒体的跨界合作,扩大品牌影响力,深化市场渗透力。本文提出的策略建议,旨在为体育企业在激烈的市场竞争中实现可持续发展提供指导。With the rapid development of Internet and artificial intelligence technologies, sports e-commerce has emerged as a pivotal force driving the growth of the sports industry. This paper delves into the characteristics and influencing factors of sports consumption behavior in an e-commerce environment, encompassing transformations in purchasing behavior, diversified and personalized product selection, streamlined consumer experience, and incentives for repurchase and service behavior. In the future, sports e-commerce will exhibit trends such as deep integration of diversification and specialization, continuous leadership in trendiness and youth appeal, in-depth pursuit of rationality and cost-effectiveness, and enhanced application of data-driven and precision marketing. These trends necessitate sports enterprises to optimize their product mix, elevate service quality, maintain a keen market insight, swiftly respond to trends, and build robust data analytics capabilities to implement precision marketing strategies. Additionally, strengthening cross-border collaborations with social media pl