Being not a branch of sociology reconstructed in the late 1970s and the early 1980s in China,female sociology in China,exactly speaking is the product of the studies on “the women problems"in the mid 1980s.New trends has appeared in femals sociology in China during the recent 15 yeas:in respect of the standpoint of studies the emphasis has shifted from on value free to on both value free and feminism.In regard to the idea studies the view has diverted from regarding women as a special role to the multi roles women play and grasping the whole expressed by women as ”human being".In aspect of the strategy of studies the leading roles of the countermeasure studies has been replaced by the coexistence of the counter measure studies,academics and participate studies.Participate studies have been an important characteristic of methodology in female sociology in China.As for the contents of studies focus has transited from the “problem studies"in the 1980s to “the female person"in the early 1990s and to “gender person"in the late 1990s.As a result these changes female sociology as a relatively independent scientific field is at the initial stage of its development in view of its less depending on sociology and women studies.
以性别为视角,融入弱势性别群体的经验和感受,在社会心理学领域进行新的探讨,开展性别社会心理学的研究,推进社会心理学的学术空间不断由平面走向多维,学术内容不断从简单走向多样,在今天已成必要。可以将作为社会心理学一个分支学科的"性别社会心理学"(gender studies in social psychology)定义为:探讨拥有某种性别身份者之思维、情感及行为如何受到社会和个人的性别建构、社会的性别结构以及其他性别身份者真实或想象的性别存在的影响并与之互动的科学研究;其核心内容有三:第一,有关性别的社会观念;第二,有关性别的社会影响和个人回应;第三,有关性别的社会关系。