软磁合金1J79(Ni 79 Mo 4Fe17质量分数)是一种高导磁率材料,应用广泛,使用频率f为100~10000Hz,工作磁感应强度B_m为0.1~0.7T。这时,铁芯总功率损耗P是衡量材料磁性能的重要指标。在工程应用中,对于导磁率μ<5000的软磁合金,在f<100 Hz,B_m=0.2~1.5T条件下。
The core loss spectrum P(f) of Fe-B-Si amorphous soft magnetic alloy has been studied.It is found that P(f) has the fractal structure.The effect of heat treatment on the fractal dimension Df is discussed.
The core loss spectrum P(f) of magnetic alloy with constant permeability has been studied. It is found that P(f) has the fractal structure. The effect of the induced anisotropy energy Ku on the fractal dimension Df is discussed.