Eu Mossbauer spectra of BaFBr:Eu phosphor are reported for the first time.The results show that f(Eu(2+) )Eu(2+)>Eu(3+),which indicates that the attraction between phonons and Eu(2+) is stronger than that between phonons and Eu(3+),this may cause a faster increase of f(Eu=(2+)vs f(Eu(3+)) when temperature decreases as observed in the experiments.It is also found from Mossbauer investigation that when temperature decreases,the relative content of Eu(2+) decreases, while that of Eu(3+) increases.The temperature dependent Mossbauer spectra provide evidence for electron exchange or hopping between Eu(2+) or Eu(3+) sites in BaFBr lattice. The Mossbauer results are discussed and compared with the results of XPS and Photoluminescence studies.