有害生物综合治理(Integrated Pest Management,简称IPM)概念是在总结人类以前害虫防治经验教训、特别是20世纪40—60年代单一依赖化学药剂防治导致“3R”问题(Resistance:长期大量施用光谱性杀虫剂.导致害虫的抗药性增强,防治效果下降:再猖獗Resurgence:大量杀伤天敌引起害虫再猖獗和次要害虫上升:残毒Residtie:对环境的污染和农产品的残毒也越来越严重)愈来愈突出的情况下发展起来的。害虫综合治理的产生和发展经历了一个漫长的过程。
One virus of Diprion nanhuaensis was separated from the died D. nanhuaensis, the virus belongs to nuclear polyhedrosis virus, bacilliform virus particle in inclusion body appears SNPV(single nucleocapsid polyhedrosis virus) by electron microscopy. The structure of inclusion body appears polyhedron and close to rotundity, and the length of diameter of inclusion body ranges 0.5~1.0 μm, a little proportion of them shows anomalistic form. There are many bacilliform virus particles in one inclusion body. Six virus particles in one inclusion body take up a large proportion and one virus particle in one inclusion body only takes up a small proportion, the length of virus particle ranges 125~200 nm,and the length of diameter of virus particle ranges 25~30 nm. Meanwhile,the virus can infect the 2~3 instars Neodiprion xiangyunicus and the 2~3 instars D. nanhuaensis in laboratory.