What is the engine that drives learners to switch from English to Chinese in pair-work activities? To what extent can teachers affect their linguistic choices? These are the issues in the present study of code-switching behavior. Questionnaires have been administered among 100 first-year non-English majors in Fu Dan University and, to obtain a more comprehensive picture of this phenomenon, teachers have also been interviewed. The analysis of data, observation reports and interview results indicate that the learner's code-switching behavior is triggered off by some variables, so teachers, by altering these variables, may achieve the best possible results from pair-work activities.
学术英语课程设置及学术写作体裁研究一直是国内学者研究的重点之一,但是针对学术口语体裁如国际会议发言的研究较少,如何培养EAP学习者学术口语体裁能力的实践课程设计及相关研究更为有限。笔者以模拟国际学术会议实践项目为例,以Communities of Practice为设计模型,以学术体裁为理论框架,进行了三个学期的课堂实践。通过在修读本课程的学生中进行问卷调查,并对问卷调查结果进行分析后得出结论,即学生们普遍认可CoPs理念、模拟会议设置以及会议主题的设定。学生的性别及专业背景在认可度评定上无显著差异,但是学生的具体年级和本科/硕博学位项目对认可度有一定的影响。笔者希望本文可以为学术英语的课程设计和教材编撰提供一些参考性意见,以便帮助EAP学习者早日成为学术共同体的一员。