通过对白令海盆中部BR02岩芯高分辨率的颜色、粒度和元素地球化学地层的研究发现:(1)该岩芯较为完整地记录了末次盛冰期结束以来(约16.3 ka BP)的多期冰筏碎屑事件,包括H1、OD、YD和北方2期,其中以H1和YD最为显著,反映了末次冰消期以来该地区海冰/冰山以及区域性冰川的消长变化;(2)BR02岩芯上部17—25 cm段出现富Mn、富Ba的氧化型沉积,说明在全新世高海面时期,白令海与北太平洋、北冰洋之间的水体交换达到极点,白令海环流加强,海盆底层水含氧状况明显改善,并引发海洋生产力增加;(3)CaO、Na2O、Sr、Zr及Na2O/K2O比值的分布说明,海盆冰筏碎屑主要来自富碳酸盐的育空河流域,其次为阿拉斯加半岛和阿留申群岛等火山岩区;岩芯上部Na2O/K2O比值的递增暗示10 ka BP以来与火山物质输运有关的北太平洋入流(阿拉斯加流)可能增加。
利用中国历次北极科学考察航次在白令海北部陆坡及海盆等深水区所采集的沉积物样品,对其开展沉积学等研究,系统归纳该海域常见的异常沉积类型及特征,并初步探讨其可能成因。BR02孔出现至少3段浊积层,浊积层主要分布于末次冰消期至中全新世。B5-4孔存在至少2段火山碎屑沉积层,其沉积年代分别约为1.3 ka BP和13.2 ka BP。B5-7站表层沉积物中的硅藻组合以新近系硅藻化石Kisseleviella carina Sheshukova-Poretzkaya和Kisseleviella ezoensis Akib为主,且与附近海域其他表层沉积物的硅藻组合面貌差异明显,可能是沉积物再沉积结果,其初始沉积年代大约为早中新世。白令海北部陆缘/陆坡区附近遍布的海底大峡谷对该区沉积物沉积过程具有重要影响,可能是导致该区浊流沉积与再沉积物的主要原因。此外,白令海位于欧亚板块、太平洋板块及北美板块交汇区边缘,其独特的地理位置决定该区地震与火山等构造活动相对活跃,进而进一步促使该区海底异常沉积现象频发。
Core D (21°23′02″N, 116°47′13″E, water depth 405 m) was sampled from the upper slope from the northeastern South China Sea (SCS) and applied to analyze the sedimentary environmental change in this sea area since the last glacial stage. The results of grain size analysis, diatom analysis and detrital mineral analysis were well matched. We divided the core D into two layers. The surface sand layer (0 - 2 cm) consisted of residual sediments, which might be originally the sediment in the late Pleistocene and later suffered from being transformed in the post glacial transgression. The lower layer (2 - 130 cm) was quite different from the surface one, which might mainly result from a neritic sedimentary environment in the last glacial stage. Two sedimentary cycles could be detected in the core D: regression during Marine isotope stage (MIS) 4 to transgression during MIS 3 and regression during MIS 2 to transgression during the post glacial.