The provenance trials of Loblolly Pine(%Pinus taeda)% were planted in different environments of Fujian, Hubei and Zhejiang Provinces in Southern China in 1983. The 19 provenances with the same genetic bases were selected to evaluate the effects of planting environments on trees site productivity of Loblolly Pine,its wood properties and their genotypic stabilities with the ecovalence of Wricke’s model and regression coefficient B_i of the Finlay and Wilkinson’s model. The results showed that tree height, DBH, volume, latewood percent, tracheid length and wood basic density of the 19 common provenances of Loblolly Pine for pulpwood were significant affected by the gene effects of these provenances, planting environment, interaction of provenance gene and environment. The regression coefficient and ecovalence for characteristics of its tree growth and wood properties in provenance level were different. Genetic stabilities in tree growth characteristics for these provenances were better, but their genetic stabilities were not good in wood properties. Genetic stabilities were not in the same pattern in characteristics of tree growth and wood properties for provenances. Selection of better provenances should be conducted from tree growth and wood properties on the bases of trial in local districts and these better provenances are not suitable to other districts. The differences among three trial places of Fujiang, Zhejiang and Hubei were up to 12.6%~18.6% in tracheid length, 62%~159% in latewood percent and 4.8%~13.4% in wood basic density. Trees increment and wood properties of Loblolly Pine were mainly affected by planting environments. In order to increase site productivity for industrial wood in afforestation of Loblolly Pine, superior provenance is important and selecting better sites and their reasonable management is also necessary.
Culture of the garden plants disposition was expressed in many aspects,such as the plant disposition with special cultural environment and specific environment,expression of urban culture in the plant disposition,application of plants with historical and cultural connotations in the design and protection for ancient and famous trees.