By 355 nm laser ablating a composite target prepared from metallic lithium and ZnO in high vaccum, a new hypermetallic oxide LiZnO + ion, which consists of two heterometal atoms and oxygen atom, was observed by using a time of flight mass spectrometer for the first time. The time of flight positive ion mass spectra at different delay time between the accelerated electric field and laser pulse are investigated. It shows that the formation of LiOZn + depends on the delay time, and the hypervalent ion LiOZn + is observed obviously at the delay time from 7.5 to 17.5 μs. These results suggest that the ion molecular reaction between the ablated Li + ions and ZnO in the laser plasma should be responsible for the formation of hypermetallic LiZnO +.
By laser ablating graphite in the vapor of tetrachloromethane, a series of perchlorinated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were synthesized. Among them, hexachlorobenzene (C6Cl6), octachloronaphthalene (C10 Cl8), octachloroacenaphthylene (C12 Cl8), decachloroanthracene (C14 Cl10), decachlorophenanthrene (C14 Cl10 ), decachloropyrene (C16 Cl10 ), decachlorofluoranthene (C16Cl10 ), C18 Cl10, C20Cl10, C22Cl12 and C24Cl12 were identified by HPLC-UV-MS. The results demonstrate the potential of the reaction for synthesizing the compounds with special structures.
The mass spectra of both positive and negative charged Ta-containing ions from laser ablatiou of Ta2O5 were measured using a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Formation of iomc Ta-containing oxides such as TaO and TaO from Ta2O5 ablation in ambient O2 were observed for the first time. The influence of ambient O2 pressure on the intensities of ablated Ta-containing ions has also been studied. It is found that the subsequent oxidation reactions were involved in the ablation of Ta2O5 at different O2 pressure. The enthalpies of possible okidation reactions were theoretically calculated, and the possible formation reastions of the ionic Ta-contauing oxides are discussed.