To study the relationship between angiogenesis and the expression of bFGF andFGFR-1 in lung cancer. Methods: The specimens of 56 patients with lung cancer treated with surgerywere collected. Anti-Von Willebrand factor antibody was used to measure microvascular density (MVD)by means of SABC immunohistochemical technique, and antibody to basic fibroblast growth factor(bFGF) and its receptor (FGFR-1) to detect the expression of these three proteins in the tumortissues. The survival time was compared between low MVD and high MVD groups by the Kaplan-Meiermethod. Results: (1) The expression of MVD showed no significant difference in some clinicalcharacteristics, including sex, age, T stage, M stage and pathologic type, but significantdifference in N stage (P < 0.01) and clinical stage (P < 0.05). (2) Survival analysis showed thathigh MVD group was associated with a risk of death (P < 0.01). (3) The expression of bFGF and FGFR-1were both related to lymphatic metastasis and clinical staging (P < 0.05). (4) Significantdifference was seen between low MVD and high MVD groups in the bFGF expression in lung cancer (P <0.01), whereas no correlation in FGFR-1. (5) High co-expression of bFGF and FGFR-1 was consistent intumor cells. Conclusion: (1) MVD is a good prognostic factor for patients of lung cancer, and thesame as bFGF. (2) The angiogenesis may be induced after bFGF binding to FGFR-1.
目的:探讨肺及气管炎性假瘤的CT和MRI表现及特征。方法:搜集我院经病理证实的肺炎性假瘤23例及气管炎性假瘤2例,对其CT和MRI表现进行回顾性分析。结果:肺炎性假瘤的CT和MRI表现具有以下特征:①肿块多位于肺的外围,贴近胸膜,伴邻近胸膜增厚粘连;②病灶可呈楔形或方形,一侧边缘平直;③病灶密度及信号不均,有小空洞及支气管气像;④MRI SE T1WI及T2WI像肿块可表现为较肌肉高信号或稍高信号;⑤肿块内结节状及斑块样钙化;⑥病灶边缘粗长毛刺。气管炎性假瘤CT主要征象为管壁弥漫性增厚,管腔变窄,病变与周围结构分界较清楚,无浸润表现。结论:全面分析CT和MRI征象,仔细观察病灶内部结构及周围改变,并紧密结合临床资料有助于提高本病诊断的准确性。