We reported Sargassum longifructum Tseng et Lu in 1987; the specific name is, however, illegitimatized by the earlier homonym Sargassum longifructum C. Agardh (Grunow, 1915). To validate the algal species, we publish the new name S. zhangii Tseng et Lu to take place of S. longifructum Tseng et Lu.. It is a pleasure for us to name this species in honour of the late Professor Zhang Junfu.\; Sargassum zhangii Tseng et Lu nom. nov.\;Basionym: Sargassum longifructum Tseng et Lu, 1987. Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica, 16(6):516, Fig.2, Plate I:2.\;We reported Sargassum pusillum Tseng et Lu in 1995; the specific name is, however, illegitimatized by the earlier homonym Sargassum pusillum Taylor (Taylor, 1975). To validate the algal species, we publish the new name Sargassum pumilum Tseng et Lu.\; Sargassum pumilum Tseng et Lu nom. nov.\;Basionym: Sargassum pusillum Tseng et Lu, 1995, Oceanologia et Limnolgia Sinica, 26(5):524, Fig.4, Plate I:4.\;We are grateful to Dr. P. C. Silva for notifying those nomenclature problems.