[Objective] This study aimed to explore the effects of continuous application of controlled release nitrogen fertilizer under double rice cropping system. [Method] By modeling three types of paddy soils in Dong-Ting Lake area, four treatments as no fertilizer (CK), urea, controlled release nitrogen fertilizer (CRNF) and 70% controlled release nitrogen fertilizer (70% CRNF) were designed in the micro-plot trials from 2005 to 2008. [Result] The rice yield in treatment CRNF at N 150 kg/hm2 was increased by 10.3%, 8.0% and 2.4% compared with treatment of urea, in alluvial sandy loamy paddy soil (ALS), purple calcareous clayey paddy soil (PCS), and reddish yellow loamy paddy soil (RYS), respectively; and the yield in treatment of 70% CRNF was increased by 6.1%, 2.6% and -0.8%, respectively. The ranking order of nitrogen uptake amount by plant in early rice and late rice was CRNF 70% CRNF urea CK in all three types of soil. Nitrogen utilization efficiency of CRNF in above three types of soil was 60.7%, 59.6% and 56.3%, increased by 23.8%, 19.4% and 16.3% compared with that in treatment of urea, respectively. Nitrogen utilization efficiency of CRNF in early rice was increased year by year, and was higher than that of 70% CRNF during the whole experiment stage, while that in late rice was increased first and then decreased from the 3rd year. [Conclusion] Continuous application CRNF could alleviate the decreasing of soil nitrogen fertility and organic carbon especially in ALS, increase rice yield and nitrogen utilization efficiency in double-rice cropping system.
在稻田土壤上对水稻的高量施用氮肥常常造成硝态氮(NO3--N)淋溶损失和肥料氮利用率低下的问题。本研究采用土壤渗漏器、微区和田间小区试验,研究了15N标记控释氮肥在稻田土壤上的氮素利用率和硝态氮的淋溶损失。在两年早稻种植期间,一次性全量作基肥施用控释氮肥与尿素分二次施用的相比,两年的早稻产量分别平均提高7.7%和11.6%。在N90 kg hm-2用量下,由差值法测得的肥料氮利用率,按平均计,控释氮肥的N利用率(平均76.3%)比尿素分次施用的(平均37.4%)高出38.9%1。5N同位素法测得的控释氮肥的N利用率(平均67.1%)比尿素分次施用的(平均31.2%)高出35.9%。在早稻种植季节,施用尿素和控释氮肥的NO3--N淋失量分别为9.19 kg hm-2和6.7 kg hm-2,占施尿素N和控释氮肥氮的10.2%和7.4%。控释氮肥的氮淋失量比尿素分2次施用的降低27.1%。本研究结果表明,在稻田土壤上施用控释氮肥能减少氮的淋失量,提高氮素利用率和水稻产量。